Page 94 of Maid in America

“What do you think?” she asked, wiggling her other foot to indicate it wanted to be rubbed, too.

He grabbed it and blew out a rush of air as he carefully contemplated his answer. “I just want what is best and healthiest for you. If having that support system in your life makes it better,then I’m all for it. We all make mistakes. And Christians, like everyone else, can be judgemental sometimes, but they can also be the most forgiving, in my experience, too. I just worry that if you’re always wondering what your parents are going to think, or they always make you feel judged, then maybe it’s best the way that it is. You gotta take care of yourself. And it’s not like youhateeach other. You’re just on different paths. You’re at least trying to work through it. What they do with that attempt is on them.”

Chastity looked up as if the answer was written somewhere in the outdated popcorn ceiling.

“You’ve seen me through all of this shit. You never judged me. You were never afraid of me, even when I was afraid of myself. Why can’t everyone just be like you?”

“Oof,” Barrett said. “The thought of that is a nightmare. Can you imagine a bunch of Barrett’s running around?”

He faked a shiver, and Chastity laughed.

“Oh, whatever. If people were more like you, the world would have more black eyes but also a lot more compassion and understanding.”

“Well, thank you.”

“And men would listen more.” She smiled at him. “You’ve always been a great listener.”

His heart warmed at the compliment, and he massaged harder, hitting the spot in her arch that turned her body to melting putty.

“That feels incredible. Those heels still aren’t broken in yet. They were killing me all afternoon.”

His nimble hands moved up, massaging her smooth calves with care and tenderness. He was fully hard now at the touch of her lotioned skin, unsure how he was going to hide the evidence of it with such a rising tent in his pants. He felt like he was in high school all over again.

“What was your news?” she asked, body relaxed, voice like warmed chocolate, smooth and sweet.

“I, um… I’m… moving.”

Her eyes shot open, and her body straightened, pulling her leg from his grip. “What… into Gam-Gam’s house?”

“No. The Realtor has already found a few potential buyers for that.” He hesitated, staring at the carpet. “To… Denver.”

Her relaxed smile evaporated.

“Wait, what?”

“I’d heard some rumors the last couple of weeks, but I just got the official word today.Man Maidis branching out. Will wants to build a new fleet in a larger metropolitan area. They want me to move down there, hire some guys, and get a client base going.”

“Why can’tWillset it up?”

“He can’t leave. He’s got the wedding. Plus, Starla is about to start school again. She’s got friends and ballet and shit. I don’t have all that. Gan-Gam’s gone. My lease is up soon. He trusts me. He chose me to go.”

She bit her lip, face fraught with frustration. “But… you can’t justleave.”

“Chastity.” He leaned forward, clutching one of her hands in his own. “I don’t have any of that stuff holding me here.”

A tear rolled down Chastity’s cheek. “What aboutme?”

His gaze softened. “I can’t keep… doing this.”

“Doing what?!” Her voice cracked. “You said I’d always have you. I thought you meant it.”

“You will! I’ll only be a call or a Skype away when you need me.”

“This… I don’t understand, Barrett.”

“Chastity, I can’t just pretend that I’m happy being without you.”

“But you’re not without me. We hang out all the time!”