“Who knows? Knows what?”
“They found out.”
“Aphrodite, you’re going to have to give me more than that.” Barrett’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared out the windshield.
“Someone told my parents we were dating and what you do. Like, what youreallydo.” She sobbed briefly before pulling herself back together. “They said I embarrassed the family.” A sob escaped her taut throat, and she inhaled a ragged breath. “They disowned me, Barrett!”
“Oh, Chastity.” His heart ached for her, knowing all too well what it felt like to suddenly lose your parents. Chastity’s parents were intentionally turning their back on her. It was achoice. He considered that might even somehow feel worse.
“If you don’t want to see me anymore, and make amends with your folks…” He couldn’t even finish the thought. His brain screamed at him to shut his mouth. The mere thought of not seeing her again felt like pulling out his own beating heart and squeezing it with an iron fist.
The thought of having to part ways with his Aphrodite over something sostupidpissed him off. She should never have been put in a position to choose. He refused to add to her torment.
“You’renot the problem. Myjobis not the problem. It’stheirjudgmental attitude and this holier-than-thou bullshit that is theproblem.”
“They havenevertried to understand me, Barrett. They neverwantedto. And for that, I don’t think there’s any fixing this.”
“Chastity, you are something wonderful, and you don’t deserve any of this. Also… fuck your parents.”
“I really wish I could just hold you and tell you this stupid shit will pass.”
“Thank you.” She sniffled. “Are you still doing the get-together tonight?”
“Yeah. But you don’t have to… If you need time and space…”
“I just really don’t want to be alone right now,” she cried.
“Then, yes. I’ll pick you up in a little bit. Okay?”
“Can I…?”
“If Will and them are coming, can I invite Sherri?”
“Mrs. Nussbaum.” She sniffled again. She sounded like a sad child.
He chuckled warmly. “Of course, baby. Of course. You can invite whoever you want. I’m sure she’d like that. You two can catch up onSummer Fling.”
“Summer Love,” she corrected, followed by a small laugh.
“Alright, pick you up in a bit. I lo—” he stopped abruptly, mid-word, “I love to hear you laugh.”
“Thanks for cheering me up, Barrett.”
“I’ll see you tonight.”
As he hung up, Barrett panicked. Those three terrifying words he’d almost uttered lolled around his mouth like sugary candies. He swallowed them down, skin on fire, neck growing hot as the terrifying reality of how he truly felt for her set in.
I’m in deep shit, he thought.
The evening air waschilly as Barrett put the finishing touches on the fire pit, an imperfect circle dug into the sandy shoreline a few feet in diameter, far away from the shrubbery surrounding Jackson Lake. Tenting the last of the firewood in the center, he looked up at the blanket of stars above them.
The night was uncharacteristically calm for this time of year. Summer warmth seemed to be edging itself closer as the frigid winter nights gradually shifted to a temperature most Wyomingites considered comfortable.