Page 42 of Maid in America

“Itwouldexplain some things.”

“I should say this quickly before Maggie comes back, but she told me that something isreallywrong with the girl. She’s been seeing a therapist. He put her on medications andeverything.”

“Oh, my.”

Chastity stepped back from the door.

Her mother told them?

When her mother couldn’tpraythe bipolar away… she, what?Toldpeople about it?

That wasn’t her business to tell!

Chastity listened to these women drone on about her. As if any of them had ever really known her at all. A void opened inside of her, swallowing up all sense, her anger building into a righteous rage.

“It’s always the good parents that get tasked with the most difficult-to-love children. God gives his greatest battles to his strongest warriors,” said thatdamnedfirst voice again.

“I was just reading this book about a girl who was possessed by a demon. I wonder if Chastity has been playing around with a Ouija board.”

Chastity’s eyes welled with tears threatening to overflow.

“Lucifer was an angel, too, once. Such a shame. I’ll be keeping Maggie and Pastor Erikson in my prayers.”

“Me, too.”

“What are we talking about ladies?” Chastity recognized the voice as her mother’s.

“Oh, just last Sunday’s sermon,” one said quickly.

“Well, I brought some cheese cubes and crackers out in case anyone was hungry.”

Chastity threw open the door and stomped into the living room. She fought to control her anger.

“Afternoon, ladies. Having a productive Bible study, I see.”

“Chastity! It’s lovely to see you!” One woman said, swallowing nervously, wondering how much she’d overheard of their conversation. “I didn’t realize you were home! I thought for sure you’d be at work… or the shelter. Your mother’s told us you do volunteer work over there sometimes.”

Chastity’s eyes were wild, tone carefully clipped. “I don’t have a Ouija board.”

The women all looked horrified.

She’d heard everything.

“I’m also not possessed, I do smoke pot occasionally to take the edge off, and the boy in my dorm wasfullynaked, not half-naked.”

One woman gasped and clutched at the collar of her dress.

“Be-cause we had been fuck-ing.” She emphasized the words. “And after we finished the joint, we were going to go for round three.”

“Chastity!” Maggie yelped. “What is going on?!”

“Ask them! Ask yourposseof chatty little hens, all clucking about my issues like they give two shits about me!” She looked around the group of women. “Notoneof y’all know me, so keep my damnnameout of your mouths, you gossiping… old…hogs.”

The women stared back at her blankly, unsure what to say.

“Well, I never!”

“Yeah, you probably have never done a lotta things, you old codger.”