Page 21 of Maid in America

“Wow.” Barrett laughed. “Guess this means I’m no longer your Best Man, either.”

Will shook his head. “No. Business and family are separate. You’re still my friend. Still my Best Man. I love you like a brother, Barrett. I just… can’t risk everythingwe’veworked so hard to build on someone who can’t take this seriously.”

Barrett ran his hands through his thick quiff of black hair, stood, and turned toward the door.

“Sorry that I let you down.” Barrett put his hand on the glass. “Bothof you.”

Ava nodded, averting her gaze.

“Wanna shoot some pool tonight?” Will tried to soften the blow.

“Rain-check, maybe.” Barrett shook his head and stepped out.

After a long moment of silence, Ava finally muttered the word, “Fuck.”

“What?” Will rubbed the top of her back.


“You having a sudden change of heart?”

Ava nodded. “Go grab him, would you?”

Will nodded and raced out of the building. He hollered for Barrett and waved him back in.

“What?” Barrett looked like a whipped puppy as he re-entered, shoulders sunken. “You wanna just give me my final check now to save postage or somethin’?”

Ava sighed deeply.

“If it’s about the wedding, the answer is ‘no.’ I haven’t gotten my tux fitted yet.”

“Seriously? You have to order ahead. I said that in my email last month when I sent you all the information.”

Will chimed in. “Please, Barrett, just… get fitted.” His eyes flashed his friend a glance that said:Don’t test her. She’s serious. I’m scared. Please send help.

Ava finally spoke with reluctance. “We’ll give you another shot. You’re on probation.”

Barrett smiled. “Isn’t thefirsttime. Surely, it won’t be the last.”

Will smirked. “Not something to brag about, Mr. Bar-Room-Brawler.”

“As I was saying,” Ava looked back and forth at the men, “being that you’re Will’s best friend, it feels like it would be…prudent… to give you another shot. I suppose we are a little to blame since we never provided you with any formal training.”

“We assumed you’d know how to wash towels. That wasourbad,” Will said sarcastically.

“We should have tried to teach you or had someone teach you right off the bat. We’re growing, and this is opening my eyes to a deficiency on our end. I obviously don’t have any knowledgeable staff to train you other than Will, but we’ll hire someone soon. In the meantime, if you want to stay on board, you need to be proactive in finding yourself some training. I don’t mean just cleaning up that pit you call an apartment, either. Will can type up a list of tips and tricks of the trade he’s picked up.”

“Sure,” he said, agreeing quickly.

“In the meantime, Barrett, watch someYouTubevideos. Learn a thing or two about laundry and mixing cleaning chemicals so you don’t end upmustard-gassingyourself unconscious or burning more holes in Italian imported towels.Capiche?”

“Hearing the sentencing loud and clear, Your Honor.” Barrett bowed.

“Starla and I barely see Will as it is these days. It’s the reason we hired you. So, I’ll still need you to find some outside sources for information while I compile a training course for new hires.”

“Yeah, I get it.” Barrett nodded and smiled a little at Will. “Gam-Gam’s friend, Susan—”

“Ugh.” Will couldn’t help but make a disgusted noise at the sound of Susan’s name.