Ava gasped, and Chastity’s own eyes widened in surprise at the label.
“Girlfriend? Wow,” Will said. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Don’t make itweird,” Barrett joked.
“Oh, it’s weird, alright,” Ava offered with a snort. She turned to Chastity. “Darling, you’re beautiful. What the hell do you see in this oaf? Wait… blink twice if he’s holding you hostage.”
“You guys are dicks,” Barrett teased. Then he pointed to Maya, addressing Ava. “She’s a workaholic too. She’s like a nicer, quieter version of you.”
“I’m plenty nice, just not to boyish man-children like you,” Ava said with a sarcastic grin.
Barrett tugged a large igloo cooler toward him and pulled out two chilled bottles of booze and a few bottles of water. “There’s whiskey if anyone wants some. Honey and regular.”
“You got cups?” Ava asked.
“Nope. Gonna have to deal with my cooties.”
“Oh God.Cooties.” Ava giggled. “You reallyarea man-child.”
He took a swig. The liquid burned like fire as it went down, spreading across his abdomen like a bomb in his empty stomach.
“That’s my one and only drink tonight, you guys.Designated Driver Barrettis now officially at your service.”
Chastity snatched the bottle from Barrett and took a swig, which was made more delicious after knowing Barrett’s lips had been wrapped around it only moments before.
“Let’s start things off with a game, shall we? A little icebreaker, perhaps. How about a little truth-or-dare?”
In unison, everyone else groaned.
“You kidding me? That’s a good game,” Barrett hollered.
“Cooties and now truth-or-dare?” Chastity joked, leaning away from him like he was contagious. “I’m gonna need to see some ID. Are you old enough to drink, boy?”
“Alright, smarty-pants. What wouldyousuggest?”
“Truth-or-drink. You gotta hand the bottle to the person of your choice. They can choose to answer something truthfully about themselves, or they have to take a drink.”
“What’s the difference?” Barrett asked with a sassy bobble of his head.
Will interjected before Chastity could answer. “The difference is you can’t give Sherri hypothermia by telling her to skinny-dip in the lake or get Will arrested for running naked down the highway screaming ‘I’m bigfoot’ on some dumb dare.’”
“How about another rule,” Sherri said, her tone more commanding than the others. “No photos? I don’t need anything embarrassing coming back on me or my family. They think I’m at a fundraiser right now.”
Barrett shrugged. “Sounds good. Chastity’s game, so she should start.” He tickled her on the side. She shrieked and jumped away from the Jeep to get away.
“Fine. Maya?”
Maya lifted her head from picking at her cuticles. She shifted uncomfortably on her trunk.
“Oh, no. I don’t want to start.”
“Please? Chastity plead, handing Maya the bottle of whisky.
“Truth, I guess.” Maya eyed the bottle in her hands like it was ready to bite her.
“What’s one thing you’rereallygood at?” Chastity asked, voice soft with the clearly anxious woman.
“Uh… I don’t know. Work, I guess?”