“That’s right. That’smine.” He slid his flattened tongue in circles around her clit again. “Is my beautiful little pussy gonna cum again for me?”
She moaned, clutching at the seat belt and bucking him again. He spread her thighs wider and dipped his tongue inside of her.
He pulled back and smiled, wearing her juices like chapstick. “You… likethis. You’re the only fucking meal I ever want to eat again.”
His mouth consumed her with a new, fevered urgency.
“Oh, God,” she croaked. “Barrett, you’re… you’re gonna make me cum.”
Her muscles clenched around his fingers as she came again. Her back arched with wave after wave of intense pleasure.
Suddenly, they both froze as gravel crunched beneath tires in front of Barrett’s Jeep. They panicked frantically, scrambling to find her pants on the floor.
“Shit,” he hissed, looking back at the approaching squad car.
“Fuck.” Chastity scrambled to pull her pants right-side-out, shoving her legs clumsily in the holes. Barrett shoved her feet inside, and the Jeep jostled as he shut the door. He stood in front of it, buying her a few more precious seconds to dress as the officer stepped out and approached on foot. He subtly zipped his jeans as the uniformed officer smiled.
It was John Ridgeway again.
“Fancy seeing youtwicein one week, Barrett.”
Barrett let out a laugh that was relief mixed with jumbled nerves. “What can I say? I missed you. Couldn’t wait to hang out again.”
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” John laughed, shining his giant flashlight into the fogged back seat at Chastity. She waved, hair tangled, shirt hanging oddly.
“Don’t either of y’all have a nice, warm,privatebedroom?” John shined his light right into Barrett’s eyes. After a second, he lowered it to Barrett’s erection. “Happy to see me?”
Barrett covered the bulge with his hands.
“I’d say it’s a little cold to be out here with no jacket, but it seems like you two are being creative at, uh, keeping things nice andhot.”
Barrett smiled, embarrassed.
“You know, it’s funny.” John turned off his flashlight and clipped it on his cluttered utility belt. “I was just up here the other day busting some horny teenagers. This place is apparently calledMake-out Pointby the local kids who don’t seem tounderstandthat it’sillegalto have sex in public. Wild, right?”
John had driven his point home.
“I know my jail is real cozy. But hows about you and her keep warm in ahotel roomso I don’t have to keep hauling your ass in? Hmm?”
“Sure thing.” Barrett nodded.
“You two have a nice night.” As Officer Ridgeway got back to his squad car, he spoke again. “Oh, and Barrett?”
He clicked on his flashlight again and shined it on the wad of lacy panties on the gravel near Barrett’s boots. “Our motto out here is ‘Take only pictures, leave only footprints,’ ya hear?”
Maggie scanned the rowsof cushioned chairs of the church for abandoned belongings and errant bibles, tidying up after her husband’s congregation. She loved to care for God’s temple with the reverence she knew it deserved.
Once everything had been picked up, she took a seat in the front row and glanced up at the ten-foot white cross on the wall as her thoughts drifted to her daughter. Chastity always had been a defiant child, emotional and difficult. Maggie remembered being beaten and punished for the same sort of outbursts when she was young, though it seemed her gentler style of parenting wasn’t the answer either.
Where Maggie would’ve been grounded, Chastity had only gotten verbally reprimanded. Where Maggie was shaken or slapped, Chastity was only ever sent to her room. It had taken every ounce of her patience for her to deal with her daughter’santics as she became an adult, an adult who didn’t seem to shy away from sin and tumbled into avoidable pitfalls constantly.
Maggie, on the other hand, had always fought to remain on the right path. Chaste and modest, never so much as letting a boy touch her breast until her wedding night. When she had her only daughter, she thought she had done the right thing involving her so heavily in her husband’s ministry. She recalled the tantrums the child had frequently had out of boredom, ones that always left her in a pile of frilly lace and tears.