He put his hands up as if to say, ‘Well, excuse me.’
Chastity waved at the bartender. A few feet away, a man dressed in a deer onesie complete with felt antlers stared at her ass from his seat at the bar.
Seeing this, Barrett glared at him, teeth clenched. When their eyes met, Barrett shook his head. The deer tipped his bottle at Barrett and smiled wickedly.
Chastity leaned over the counter again, giggling with the bartender as he poured her a drink. The way her cloak bared the bottom of her shapely ass, exposing the thin strip of solid red thong beneath, made Barrett’s cock stiffen.
“You here with anyone?” Barrett asked, leaning in.
“This chick, Rachel. She’s around her someplace. How about you? You got a date?”
“Nope.” Barrett slicked the sides of his hairdo. “Zuko rides solo.”
“How’d you even hear about this? Aren’t you a littleoldfor these kinds of parties?”
“Ouch!” He clutched at his heart. “Shots fired. Organ pierced. Man down.” Barrett took a fresh beer from behind the counter, laid it against the edge of the bar, and slammed his fist down, sending the cap flying into the hay behind the bar. “Jesus, Aphrodite. I’m only in mythirties.”
“Mid-thirties.” Chastity snagged one of the whiskey barrel stools beside him, wincing as the cold wood touched her bare behind. “I was wondering how long it would be before I got to see you again.”
“I see you’re all set.” The bartender eyed the beer in Barrett’s hand, frustrated.
“You were busy. I thought I’d do you a solid. Can I also get two fingers of whiskey, please?”
The bartender nodded and put Chastity’s drink in front of her. “One long island, ma’am.”
“Thank you.” Chastity grabbed the beverage and turned to face Barrett.
A moment later, a glass with an inch of amber liquor was plopped in front of him. Barrett shoved a five-dollar bill in the man’s tip pitcher and slammed the whiskey, sliding the empty glass back and chasing it down with a swig of beer.
Barrett’s eyes skimmed every delicious inch of Chastity’s exposed skin. “I had a fantasy like this once.”
Chastity chuckled. “I’ll bet you did.”
Barrett leaned in closer, wanting nothing more than to slip his hand between her thighs and massage the sensitive spot between them right here in public as oblivious people mingled about.
“Who throws a costume party in a barn here in the spring? This is so bizarre.”
“I think it’s sweet,” Barrett said.
“You thinkwhat’ssweet?”
“You don’t know what this is for?”
She shook her head.
“City councilman renewed his vows. His wife apparently has pretty crippling social anxiety. Said being in costume is just about the only way she feels comfortable enough to be around people. So he organized this so they can celebrate, and she won’t stand out like a turd in a punch bowl.”
“Oh my God, that’s really nice,” Chastity cooed.
“That’s what love issupposedto look like. Being there for someone despite their flaws. You didn’t know that?”
Chastity smiled at the sentiment, warming at the thought of one day finding someone to accept her, diagnosis and all.
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t know what I thought this was. I heard open bar, and I just kinda jumped at the invite.”
Barrett laughed at that.
“Wait, how the hell doyouknow all that?”