Ava scurried over with it, wiped the unbranded bottle clean with a rag, and handed it to Will. He held it near the center of his chest.
“Like this?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Do we still need the cleaning gloves?My hands are getting sweaty in these.”
“Yes,” Ava and Scootersaid in unison.
They looked at each other, and Ava smiled sheepishly.
“Who’s shoot is this?” Scooter snarled, at least a full foot shorter than she was in her heels. “Who’s behind the camera?”
“You are,” Ava said quietly.
“Yes. Sopleaselet me work.” Scooter turned back to Willand looked through the eyepiece. “Little to the right, Mr. Jessup.”
Will took a half-step to the right.
“No. Turn yourbodyto the right!”The man’s short fuse made Will twist his face for a moment. Hestepped back into position and turned his body slightly.
“There you go. Now, turn your face moreto the right.”
Will obliged, eyeswide with uncertainty.
“Will, you look like you’re being held hostage, modeling under duress. How about you soften those eyes and give us a grin?”
Ava’s sympathetic expression turned into a mischievous grin.She could mess with Will, and all he could do waswatch.
Ava took two steps straight back, several feet behind thephotographer, who was engrossed in his work. She peeredaround to make sure there were no extra prying eyes she’d missed.
Will watched, unmoving, as she unbuttoned the top three buttons of her silk blouse. She sat in a folding chair further back and leaned forward, pressing her curvaceous breasts together with her arms, allowing her buttoned-down shirt to flare openfor a spectacular show of cleavage.
Will’s eyes drifted down to her tits, and he bit his lip to keep from smiling.
The photographer’s voice was muffled from behind the camera.“Good. The lip bite is good.”
Ava took her index finger and eased it into her mouth. Sheclosed her eyes and pretendedshe was giving Will a blowjob, pulling it outand pushing it in deep and slow, eyes closed with pleasure.
Obliviousto her raunchy display, the photographer continued. “Alright, Will. Bite a little less. It looks like you are about to draw blood. Just let your face go slack.”
Ava slid her slick finger down her chin and her neck, angling it down between her breasts, pressing it downthrough her cleavage.
Will’s eyes were locked on her, and he felt his dick stiffen.
This was about to beveryawkward…
Will’s eyes begged for her to stop.
A wide, devious smile spread across Ava’s face as she removed her hand from her shirt, trailed it down her stomach, and stopped at the hem of her skirt.She leanedbackand spread her legs towards him, rubbing herself beneath the fabric.
“Now tilt your chin up like you are looking toward a brighter future,” Scooterordered.
Will reluctantly lifted his chin up, eyes straining to stay locked on Ava.
“What are your eyes doing?Look up, Will.”
Will did as he was told, taking in a deep breath, gripping the yellow bottle of fluid in his hands too tightly.