Page 83 of Maid in Heaven

Barrett tugged at his tight T-shirt and crossed his tanned, bulging arms, toned from practicallylivingat the gym since his divorce two years prior. “Weird.”


Barrett openeditagain, flipping throughline graphsand pie charts. He rubbed his chiseled jaw. “You could take this to a bank and get a loan with this. She thought of everything,man. Down to the cost of storage for yourcleaning productsand Windex by the gallon.She put a lot of time into this. Most people would charge—”

“Iknow.” Will softly tapped his fist on the counter. “I’ve read that thing like 1000 timesover the last week.”

Barrett chuckled. “You fucked up.”


“I said you fucked up. I’d love it if a chick made some fucking sense of my life. I’m like a wayward stray. I’m like one of those dogs you just see wandering around in Mexico in the streets. Shit… now that youblewit, you mind ifIgave her a go?”

“Hellyes,Imind,” Will snarled. “What the fuck iswrongwith you?”

Barrett giggled. “Dude, you havefeelingsfor her. You’d never snap at me like that over any of theotherchicks.You’re usin’this to drive a wedgebecause you’re scared.”

Will folded over in his seat and laid his forehead on the granite countertop. He moaned.

“She’s not Sarah, man. She’s like whatever the antithesis of Sarah is, seems like. You know, not everywoman’s gonna run off andleave you high and dry with a kid. This chick has invested her time and effort into you, Will. And I thinkthatfreaks you out.”

“Well,it’s too late now.”

“No, it’snot.” Barrett baredhis straight, white teethin a wide smile. “You’re makin’it sound worse than it is. Justtalk to her. Tell her you’re an idiot. Let her know this was a little muchbut that you appreciate what she was tryin’ to do. You gotta stop this stupid game.”


“The one where the second a girl shows a real interest in you, you find some reason to bolt.”

Will washed hismug and set it in his dish drainer.He stayed silent, unsure how to respond.

Barrett was right,but he didn’t wantto admit it. His friend’s swelled head barely fit through the door frame as it was.

Swigging down the rest of his coffee, Barrett smacked his lips and rose from his stool.“I’m gonna head out.”

“What are you doing tonight? Wanna come over? Do a board game night?”

“No-can-do,mi amigo. Got adate with a crazy hot stewardess. At least one of us knows how to get laid these days.”

“Shut up.” Will laughed.

“Fuuuuuuck,it’s gonna be a good night.”

Will’s phone vibrated across the counter. Both men stared at it for a moment and then glanced at each other.

Barrett looked at the screen. “Who is Carla O’Neil?”

“Client.” Will looked worried, eyes large. He pushed the speakerphone button. “Mrs. O’Neil?”

“Will?” She was crying hard, sobs muffled by her hands. “Things…have gotten worse. He…laid hands on my kids.We… we’re locked in the bathroom right now.”

Will stared up at Barrett, jaw clenched tight.

“R-remember when you s-said I could call you for a ride if I was ready to leave?”


“Well,” she sobbed, “h-how soon can you get here?”