“—Said her sister’s friend callshimWill the Impaler.”
Ava sat silentfor a moment and nodded.“I mean, it can’t hurt to wait a little longer. You know, just see how things go.”
Sprawled out on hercouch with Kuda stretched along her lap, Ava lounged in pajama pants and a lace-edgedcamisoleas the early evening loomedoutside, cold and oppressive.Victor Fleming’sJoan of Arcplayed over the large screen, her second timewatching itin all of its monochrome glory.
Her cell phone dinged on the coffee table, its screen lighting up brighter than the television. Careful not to wake Kuda, shesnatchedit up.
It was a text from Will.
WILL: How do women instinctively know how to braid hair?
AVA: It’s in our DNA. Why? Are you thinking about trying to braid yours? It’s a little too short for that.
WILL: Very funny.
WILL: No. I’m watching a tutorial on it right now online, and it looks like some sort of sorcery. Starla has a crush on a boy in her class, and she keeps asking me to do her hair in one to impress him or something. Have any tips for me?
AVA: Hard to explain. I can’t really describe the process well over the phone. It’s something you have to practice firsthand.
WILL: Dang.
AVA: You could come over, and I could show you if you want.
WILL: I thought you’d never ask.
WILL: There’s just one thing…
WILL: Starla’s on a field trip. Her class is doing a whole Fort Caspar butter-churning thing.
AVA: Oh.
Ava thought hard, scanning her mind to make up an excuse to still invite him over. Her heart thundered at the thought of being alone with him tonight.
AVA: I still have my Daenerys Targaryen wig from a costume party we had at work last Halloween. If you wanted to come over, I could teach you on that.
Ava’s smile fell when the responses ceased.Fuck. I was too forward. I look desperate now.Suddenly, three bubbles popped up on the screen, followed by a message moments later.
WILL: Sorry. I fainted at the thought of you dressed as the Mother of Dragons and had to be resuscitated.I’m back now. EMTs said that was a close call. Got a nasty concussion, but they said I’ll live.
AVA: Thank God.
WILL: Yes. I think it would be in my daughter’s best interest if you taught me that critical skill.
WILL: Like… right away.
WILL: Sooner, the better. Plus, you can keep me awake. The medics said I am not supposed to go to sleep for a while.
AVA: Of course. Due to the concussion.
WILL: Due to the concussion, yes.
AVA: So this is a win-win for you.
WILL: Very much so, yes.
AVA: You still have the address?