Page 40 of Maid in Heaven

“Great! I think you’ll like it a lot. Something about this movie is just timeless and pure.”Will took a seat beside her.

“Oh my God.” Avareeled back in amazement. “I say the same thing aboutCasablancaall the time.”

They looked at each other for a beat too long, tendrils of attraction tugging them togetherlike a giddy octopus. Will scooted closer until they were both sitting in the middle of the couch, legs gently touching, feeling the low buzz of electricity course through the point of contact.

He pushed play,tradedthe remote for a chicken nugget, and leaned back into the couch beside her. Effortlessly, he took her hand and interlaced their fingers together, resting them on her sweatpants-covered leg. As the opening credits began,they nestled next to one anotherandtried to ignore the undeniable attraction pulling their focus from the screen.

At some point in the third act,Will realized Ava hadn’t stirred in a while. He glanced down. She was laidagainst his arm, head slumped onto his shoulder, eyes shut, breathing rhythmically. He watched her sleep for a moment and felt the strangest feelings…



He wanted to live in that moment for eternity, feeling her against him, appreciating the trust that comes with falling asleep beside someone. He imagined her green eyes openingin the morning. He tried to picture how captivatingshe must look with tousledhair framing her groggy features.

He swepta dangling strand of red-brown hair from her face, tucking it softly behind her ear. The gesture was just enough to wake her.Ava batted open her eyes and gasped quietly.

“Oh,God,I’m so sorry.” She chuckled. “Did I drool on you?”

Will snorted. “No. No drool. You’re okay.”

Ava rubbed her hands over her face and up through her hair. “I haven’t slept that good inmonths.”

“So…it was arivetingdate then?”

“Oh my God, I didn’t mean it like that. No, actually… it was wonderful.”

“I’m glad. I guessif you could doze off like that,youdecided I’m not a serial killer?”

“Jury’s still out,” she teased with narrowed eyes.

They stared at one another in silence, heads propped against the backrest of the couch. Will felt a strong urge to kiss her. Ava felt it, too, as if his lips werebeckoning her.

“This was so nice.” Will took a deep breath, stood from the couch, and gathered the empty platters from the table. “Ipromise to have your dress dry-cleaned in time for our next date.”

“Oh,” Ava rose,silentlycursing herselffor whatever she did to spook him from going in forthe kiss. “So,you think there will be anextdate, huh?” She asked, hands on her hips, unaware her nippleswere pressing against the fabric.

It took every ounce of focus for Will to maintain eye contactand smile with confidence.“Why, yes, I do.”

She smiledand headed to the foyer, bundling up in her long coat. “I have an idea in mindfor the next onethat’sguaranteedto keep me awake.”

“Alright. Text me when and where. I’ll be there.” Will met her at thefront door,Gremlin trotting close behind.

She gave Gremlin a goodbye scratchon the head.“This was fun.”

“I had a good time, too.” Will maneuvered ahead of her and opened the front door.He gazed into her eyes for a moment before quietly muttering, “I really want to kiss you right now, but I’m trying to be a good boy.”

Ava’s eyes glittered in the sodium vapor streetlight bathing the snow all around them in its orange hue. She fought the urge to grin. “Okay. Well, don’t be a good boy for too long.”

Will struggled to find the words, exhaling a frosty breath up against the door jamb above them. “I have made a lot of mistakes in my past. I’ve jumped the gun. Gone off and ruined things before they could properly start.” His eyes gazedat her with sincerity. “I’m trying to do things right this time.”

Ava nodded, wordless and filled with respect at the display of self-control. It was a compliment of the highest order. “Goodnight, Will.”


Ava trudged through the high snow toward her SUV, tightening her coatto ward away the bristling wind.Will felt a hand grasp his heart and squeeze. When she got to her vehicle, she cast a glance back over her shoulder, and he waved. At that moment, they both exchanged the same forlorn look.

Neither one wanted Ava to go.