Page 91 of Maid in Heaven

“I miss you. I miss yourvivaciousness. Yourenergy. Your kind nature. Yourbody…Jesus Christ.”He bit his lip and studied her for a moment, locking every inch of her in his memory.

Ava smiled. “I want to be withyou. I’vemissedyou. Starla, too.”

He laughed to himself quietly.

Ava grinned. “What? What’s so funny?”

His eyesfinally met hers. “You know we’recrazyfor doing this, right?”

“People get in relationships all the time—”

“I meanMan Maid. We are crazy for doing this, you and I. Starting a business together.”

Ava gasped. “Are you saying… you’rein?”

He nodded. “Oh, yeah. I’m in.”

She fought the urge to scream, covering her mouth. “You aren’t going to regret this!”

“Lately, I only seem to regret the things Idon’tdo.”

“Like what?” She grinned. “What do you regret not doing?”

Will smiled, leaned into her,and pressed his lips to hers. Ava melded against himas their tongues entwined. The kiss sent a boltof arousing current down the length of her body.

He stripped off her sweater, pulling it over her head by the hem, auburn hair bouncing as it freed from the fabric. His eyes trailed to her breasts, oneshoisted up in a plum-colored bra. He tossed the sweater to the floor and traced his fingers down her neck, gliding it along the tops of her breasts before hooking his finger into the fabric between them. With a gentle tug,he pulled her closer to him.

Their lips meshed, tongues softly caressing one another. Ava reached for the zipper of his hoodie, gliding it down and shoving the fleece-lined fabric over his shoulders to expose the soft, gray t-shirtbeneath.

Will struggled to free one of his arms from the sleeves, and they snickered.

She needed to feel his flesh on hers, their hearts pounding together with no barrierbetween them. She yanked at his shirt, eager to remove it. Will took it off in aswift motion, carelessly tossing beside the couch.

Their breathing hastened, each breath louder and more ragged. Sucking one of his lips between hers, she playfullynibbled.

Will pulled away and stared witha look ofsmolderingintensity that made her skin flush with warmth.

She wanted him.


Ava wasn’t about to wait another minute. No interruptions, no delays. The world around them faded into obscurity, leaving only the two of themwrapped in a cocoon of desire, feeling theagonizing promise of satiation.

Will unclaspedher bra and rubbedhis hands across the sacred skin. Skinthat haunted him like an erotic slideshow ever sincehe’d tasted her against his front door. Hepulled her closer, butclose was not close enough.

He wouldn’t be satisfied until he wasinside of her, feelingher slick warmth wrapped around him.

Absorbing the scene, he took a moment to appreciate the sexual deity awaiting him. Her heaving breastsin his face, stomach glistening with a sheen of sweat, inner thighs dampand warm.

She bit her lip with alookthatsaid all the things she’d utter if there wereany breath left in her lungs.

He trailedkisses along her throat, drifting down, skimminglips along her tantalizing flesh before enveloping one of her pert nippleswith his tongue.

She gasped, runninghands through his hair and leaning into his lips. She felt lightheaded at thedelicious warmth of himagainst her skin,pelvis writhing against his growing erectionwithfrantic anticipation.

He pulled away, giving her nipple one more playful lick before his hands shifted down. He gripped her ass tightly in both palms, aggressively pulling herhips closer to his cock, seeking the wetness between her pale thighs.

“Fuck, I want you,” Will growled,lowering to his knees before heron the floor. She leanedback into the leather. He watched her for a moment, breasts heaving.Her lookwas a potentmixture of longing and lust, and hewanted to savorevery… fucking…second.