Starla giggled.
Ava’s kitchen was alreadyin disarray again. She wandered to the fridge and dragged it open. The only edible thing inside was leftover pizza, so she grabbed a slice and ate it cold. She wandered back to her bathroom, standing in front of the mirror long enough to feel uncomfortable. She stared at her puffy eyes and dark circles and made a face of mild disgust. She splashed water on her cheeks, dried it off, and applied a modest amount of makeup despite the fog of depression that seemed to bear down on her.
She was scheduled to start her new job in three days.Why in the hell did she seem so miserable about it?
Sifting through the clothes in her closet, she threw on some casual black leggings and an oversized charcoal sweater, onesthat matched her mood.
Ava furrowed her brows and made her way to the door. She opened it, stopping cold when she realized…
It was Will.
The sight of him made her stomach somersault with nerves.
“Hey.” Will leaned against the wooden railing of the front porch, hands in his pockets. A gray hoodie clung to his toned stomach, onenearly as tight as his dark jeans. “Look… I’msorry.”
“No,I’msorry.” Ava lowered her eyes to the groundand took a deep breath. “Want to come in?”
Will nodded and stepped inside, petting Kuda as he made his way to the couch.
The couch had memories, ghostly imprints in the material from their intimacy.
Kuda launched onto his lap and licked Will’s face. “Oh, thank you, Kuda. That’s so much love.Who’sagoodboy?”
The Pit Bull went wild from the affection, jumping off his lap and darting around the house at warp speed.
Ava smiled. “He’s a goofy boy.”
Will sighed deeply, unsure of where to start with a more in-depth apology.
“—I'm sorry I overstepped,”Ava said instead. “I had good intentions, I promise.I just… I went overboard.”
Will shook his head and buried the lower half of his face in his pressed hands. “No. You did something kind. I overreacted. Theproposal… was a bit overwhelming, I’ll be honest. But it’s clear you’re so good at what you do…did…”
“No.Do,” she corrected. “Got hired this week.”
“Wow, that’s… fantastic. Congratulations.” He didn’t seem overjoyed by the news.He leaned back into the couch. Ava perched on the far end, sitting delicately on the edge of her seat.“What you proposed… afranchise… an incorporation… it’s a massive commitment.”
Ava scooted closer and placed her hand on his. “It is. I don’t know what I was thinking. You have enough on your plate with a kid and your clients… in my head, it was more like a grand romantic gesture.I like you…alot.I wantedto make your life better. Notcontrolyouor burden you.”
“I know. I just lashed out because I didn’t know how to feel about all of this. Plus, you offering to get involved... I’ve always heard horror stories about people who mix their work with their home life, andfrankly,that scared the shit out of me, too. I like you a lot, too, Ava. You and me...wefelt right to me. I didn’t want to lose that if I could help it.Oh, the irony…”
“I can’t promise that I won’t ever feel jealous,” she said. “If women are touching you,lusting after you, what’s not to say after we fight one day that you don’t give in to temptation?”
He grasped her hand tighter. “Ava, there has to betrust. I have not done anything except try to build that trust. I understand jealousy. I feel it sometimes, too. Hell, I felt it when your ex-husbandwas over here with his fuckinghandsall over you.”
She noddedand rubbed her foot on the edge of the coffee table.
“Give me a chance toprovethat I wouldneverdo anything like that to hurtyou.”
She smiled weakly, feeling a slight rush of hope and optimism that he was talking about their future.
“I want you back, Ava.” He stared into her eyes with longing.
The words hit her like a tsunami, flooding her with a warm flood of joy.