Page 72 of Maid in Heaven

Will didn’t blink. “Ava, I’m sorry.”

“Addiction is a hell of a thing. Makes you turn into someone nobody recognizes. It’s too late for him, but at least your ex still has achance. I think you did the right thing, turning her away. Star doesn’t need to see her like that. If she can pull herself out of it, then she’ll be one of the lucky ones.”

“Yeah, well, I fully expected skid marksand taillightsfrom youafter that little display.You’d be right to leave and wipe your hands of the drama.”

“No skid marks. No tail lights. I’m right here.”

He grinnedand shifted closer to her. “You are as brave as you are beautiful.” He set his wine glass down, neared her face, and stared at her lips with desire.

The feel of his body so close to hers made Ava feel like all blood had drained from her head and converged lustfully between her thighs.

Spellbound, he ran his fingers along her chin, pressing his thumb to her lower lip.

Wrapping bothof herhands around his, she gently guided his thumb between her lips, slowly whirling her tongue around the callous flesh, guiding it into the hot depths ofher mouth.

Will’s breath went ragged, and the suctionsent a whirlwindof need straight down to his cock, now on the rise, pressing against the fabric of his tight blue jeans, aching to be unleashed.

Hereplaced his thumb with his tongue, driving it deep into the wet furnace that was hermouth. He kissed her with fervor, with passion, pulling her body closer to hiswith greedy hands.

Avaunbuttoned his pants, struggled with the zipper, and drove her hand beneath the restrictive fabric to grip his hardened cock. She smiled against his lips, intoxicated by his arousal.

Will groaned into her mouth.Desire mounted, and he pulled Ava until she was straddlinghim on the couch, grinding against his erection. Ava slithered from his lap to the floor, squirming between his legs, hands tugging at his pants. Will lifted his hips and hooked both thumbs beneath his underwear.

Suddenly,thesqueakof a door hingewasfollowed by the patter of smallfeet with clicking claws.

Will’s eyes widened. They froze. The creak of the door could only mean one thing:

Starla was up.

Ava jumpedto her feet. Will tugged his pants back up and buttoned them quickly. They darted to different sides of the couch as Starla shuffled into the living room, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

Will quickly pulled a throw pillow onto his lap.

“Daddy?I can’t sleep.” Starla pouted. “What if that weird lady comes back?”

Ava wiped a lock of sweaty red-brown hair from her face, trying her best not to look disheveled.

Will and Ava gave a look to one another, oneof painful exasperation, and Avapatted the couch cushion by her.“Come, let’s watch a movie.”

Starla smiled gleefully and plopped down on the sofa.Gremlin hopped up and lazily sprawled across her lap.


“Holy shit,I’d have mountedhim right there.” Madison’s voice snickered through the phone.

Ava stopped brushing her teeth long enough to shout into the speaker, mouth full of white foam. “What was I supposed to do? His daughter came out just when things were getting heated up. I’m not gonna just jump the guy right there in the living room the second his daughter passes out again.”

“Why not? I woulda!” Madison chuckled. “Man, girl, you gotta nut up or shut up. You think you can just whine to me and not do something to change it, then you’ve come to thewrongfriend.”

Ava spit into the basin. “I’m notwhining.”

Madison remained silent on the other side of the phone.

“Shit. Okay, fine.Maybe I’m whining alittle.”

“You should go see him today. Like during the day, when his kid’s at school, so she can’t cock-block y’all. If you can’t get time alone withhim at his house, tackle him in that truck! I’m sure the seats go back.”

“Madison, I am anadult. I don’t fuck in vehicles anymore. I’m a grown-ass woman.”