Ava smiled. “Maybe whatever I do next, I can push for a portion of something to go to a charitylike this.”
“I thinkwhateveryou do next, they’ll be lucky to have you.”
“Thanks.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he did the same with her waist. In time with the music,they swayed.
In that moment, all that existed in the world was them.
Ava slid a hand up his neck, running her fingers through his thick, dirty blonde hair. Will leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers, lips dangerously close, noses rubbing softly.
“What do you want out of life, Will?”
“I want love.I want to share my life with someone. I want something timeless and passionate, like in the movies.The’I can’t breathe without youkind of love.’I want to be with someone who challenges me and is driven and fun.”
“Wow.”Ava felt a pang in her chest.How could she ever be that for him?
“What about you,” he whispered in her ear. His voice was like arumble of thunderthrough her body, making the hairs on her arm stand on end.
“I used to think I knew. Watching my parents grow up, I thought I always wanted what they had. I thought loving someone meant cleaning up after them, making them breakfast, bearingtheir kids…because that’s what I saw growing up. Last time I went back to visit my folks, it broke my heart.”
“Why?” His thumbs stroked the dimples at the base of her spine through the fabric of her dress.
“Because it wasn’tlove. Itwas just comfort. There was noromance. No desire. And looking back, I don’t think there ever was.I had always wanted a love like theirs, and yet, they were sort of…miserable. Love is more than obligation. It’s more thanflowers on Valentine’s Dayor a dinner out on your anniversary. It’s the electric air in your lungs, the poundingof needin your veins, thefeeling of being home when you look into someone’s eyes.”
“Iconcur.” Will stared at her for a moment beforeresting his chin gently atopher head.
She inhaledthe woodsy scent of his cologneasthe familiar words of a slow-paced love song filled the silence around them. She felt the thud of his heart against her cheek. She wished she could bottle the moment and keep it forever.
Everything felt…right. As if nothing had suddenly becomesomething. Whenshe imagined her future, he was there. She hadn’t planned on becoming this attached to anyone ever againafter Dan, but here she was, wrapped in the arms of a man she couldn’t seem to get enough of.
Will crooked a finger and brought her chin up with it until he was gazing into her eyes. “This is nice.”
“Yes, it is.” Her hand caressed the back of his head lovingly. Herface warmed withexcitement as his face neared hers, lips nearly brushing her own.
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
“I think you should,” she whispered back.
Suddenly, music wafted up from his dress slacks.
“Thaaaat’s how country boys roll!”
The tune sounded from his back pocket. His face whipped away as he scrambled in a panic to pick up. It was the ringtone for his home’s landline, one that wouldn’t sound unless something was crucial. “I’m sorry, it’s the babysitter. Ihaveto take this.”
Will plugged one earand pulled away, walkingback to their table.
Ava stood on the dance floor, suddenly abandoned, looking around. She made her way to the bar, ordered a cocktail, and watched Will across the room. Her eyes focused on some women at the next table, eyeing Will like a piece of meat.
Moments later, he approached herwith a look of concern on his face.“It’s Starla. She’s sick.Babysitter said her glucose is, like, alarmingly low.”
“Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that.” Ava frowned.“Go. Don’t worry. I’ll Uber homeor something.”
Will clutched his jacket nervously. “Want to come with me?” He tried to smile and failed. “I don’t want this night to end, but I also don’t—”
“Say no more.” She managed a smile. “I’d love to.”
Will bolted through thefront door and headed toward the teenager sitting on the couch.“Where is she?”