Hers was a body man fought to the death for. It deserved to be painted and hung in the finest gallery as art. Every inch cried out for his touch. His cock twitched in his pants,stiffening into the start of a problematic erection. He slid his idle hands over his lap to hide the rising tent there.
Now isn’t the time,he thought silently, willingthe tightness in his abdomento dissipate.
She handed one of the towels back over her shoulder. “Can I have you wet this for me, please? The creamer’s startin’to get sticky.”
Her words anchored him back to reality. “Huh? Yes!Wettowel.Of course.”
Frazzled, Will took it and hurried through hiskitchen, one withdark woodgrain, offset by stainless steel appliances and the warmthofamber pendant lights. Flicking his faucet to full blast, he ran the fabric beneath the water, accidentally hosing down the crotchof his pants with the wild spray in the process.
Pull it together, Will. Jesus, you act like you’ve never seen a woman’s underwear before.
Apart of him didn’t want to listen, didn’t want to pull it together at all. That part wanted to run his hands over her supple skin and cup her breasts while he pressed into her from behind.
When he returnedto the living room, Ava was pulling his sweatpants up over her panties, already donning his shirt. His eyes tracked to the way her nipples pressed against the fabric. It was then that herealized the shirt he’d given herread ‘FBI: Female Body Inspector.’
“Nice shirt.” She chuckled, shaking her head. She took the dampened tea towel.
“Sorry. I should have just shown you to the bathroom. I don’t know what I was thinking,” Will said, running a hand through his sandy hair.
“It’s alright.” She turned around again, pulling his T-shirt away from her skinto wipe down her breasts and stomachtoremove the stickinessfrom her agitated skin.
“I will say,” she laughed, “I’ve never had someone get me out of my clothes that fast on a date.”
“I’d like to say I’m honored or make a joke right now, but I know you’re in pain.” Will raced into the bathroom for a moment and retrieved a small container of aloe vera gel, handing it to Ava upon his return.
She poured a small amount on her hand and rubbed it against the tender skin of her chest, cooling her burns.“Thank you.”
She pulled the shirt down over her gelledskin and turned to face Will. Will lowered to the floor and wiped up the wet Gremlin-sized paw prints.
Will gavethe pug a quick kiss on the snout. Gremlin snorted.
“Are you alright,” Will asked as he stood.
“I’m fine.”
Will gathered her dress and bra in one fell scoopand nodded at the couch.“Have a seatin the burn ward. I’ll get your dress in a bag. I’ll pay for the drycleaning.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do—”
“Nonsense. It’s the least I can do.”
“I’ll make you afreshcup while I am at it.Feel free to eat while the other stuff is still hot.”Will’s smile was bright and bold, stunning Ava into momentary silence.
He disappeared around the corner again and headed to the trashcan.Without thinking, he stepped on the pedal and threw the clothes in. “Damn it.” Half a second later, he mashed the pedal again and pulled them out, flustered. “What am I doing?”
You gotta calm down,man. Pull it together!So what if youcan see her nipples through your t-shirt? So what ifthe image of her drenched, lacy panties is searedinto your brain? You’re done with flings,remember? You have a shot at something real this time. Don’t blow this!
Will shoved the dress into a grocery bag and set it on the counter.He hurriedly returned to the living room. “If it’s alright with you, I have a movie in mind for us.”
“Oh yeah? What movie?”
“Ever seenAn Affair to Remember?”
She thought for a moment. “No.”
“Well, I think you’d like it. It’s like a more romantic version ofSleepless in Seattle, in my opinion.”
“Ooooh, I love that one,” she admitted, popping a cauliflower bite into her mouth and settling back into the lush couch. “I’ve heard about thatone, but I’ve never seenit.”