He smiled as he sat. “Try it. I love this brand.” Will scooted the perfectly-foamed mug with its dash of cinnamon over.
“See, if you were a serial killer, this is how you’d drug me.”
Will comically threw his hands up in the air. “Would you like me to take a sip first and show you that it’s not been tinkered with?”
“Ewww, no.” Ava paused for a moment and scrunched her face. “Cooties.”
Will laughed, picked up his mug, and clanked it against hers. “Cheers, darling.”
The pet name made Ava feel like a character out of one of the black-and-white films on his media stand.
Ava took a sip, and her eyes grew wide. “Oh my God, Will. This is like Heaven in a cup!”
“Right? I told you. I don’t play about my beans, man.”
“Where do you get this stuff?”
“That’s a secret. Can’t divulge that information, unfortunately. Sorry. It’s classified.”
Ava laughed, grabbed a popper from the plate, and looked around. “Where’sGremlin?”
“Oh, she’s probably asleep on my bed,” Will called out over his shoulder. “Gremlin!Come here, girl!”
“Gremlin, come on! You’re makin’me look bad.”
Still nothing.
Will mouthed to Ava,I’ve got this.“Fiiiiiine. More for us.” Will smackedhis lips as if enjoying some imaginary food.
Suddenly,the sound of nails clacking against wood floors rang out. Gremlin came screamingthrough the halland into the living room. Losing traction, the pudgy pug skidded sideways and bowled all of her weight into Ava’s calves. The motion wobbled her, dousing herdresswith hot coffee.
“Shit,” she shrieked.
“Oh my God, Ava! Let me get you a towel!” Will leaped to his feet, slammed his mug on the table, and dashed into the kitchen.
“Gah that burns!” Ava toreat the soaked, steaming fabric of her dress, fanningher lap. She stood andturned, pulling the skirt all the way up to fan her drenched panties.
“I’m so sorry!” Will shouted again as he scurriedback with a couple of tea towels.
“It’s okay. She didn’t mean to do it.”
Will handed the towels over her shoulder.Ava gingerly blottedher tender skin.Will dashed off again, returning a moment later from his bedroom. “Here. Here’s a shirt and somesweatpants to change into. I’ll go get you anicepack and some aloe gel for the burn.”
“No, it’s okay. I think the clothes will be fine.” She held an arm out. He handed the clothes to her. “Can you… turn around?”
“Oh! Right. Right. Sorry.” He made a face and turned, unaware that he’d been staring as she tore at her clothes.
At their feet, Gremlin lapped up a smallpuddle of spilled coffeefrom the floor.
Will caught the reflection of Ava stripping in the beveled mirror across from him. He tried to look away, but moments later, his eyeswere studying the shapeof her body, tracing thesmooth skin that ran down her back to the dimples just above her lacy panties.He couldn’t help but notice her bra and underwear matched, a good sign judging by his vast past experiences.
His heart rammed against his chest. Those weren’t your everyday lounge-around-the-house underwear.
Those were panties youwantedto be seen.
His eyes were transfixed on the curves of her hips. The delicate definition of her shoulders. The shapeliness of her legs. He tried to scorch the image into his memory.