Something about the sudden flush of her cheeks and the sound of her genuine laughter made Will fantasize about wanting to runhis fingers through her hair, grip the nape of her neck, and pull her lips to his.
Slow it way down, Will.
This time…it’s different. I can feel it.
Will turned his back to Ava to glance at the dogs again and then whipped his head back around with a grimace.
“Uh,” Ava made a face,“you have…um…”
Will sighedand looked up at the stormy sky. More snow was in the forecast. “Do I have… dog shit on my back?”
Avabit her lip and nodded.
“Awesome.” Will shook his head.
Ava tried not to laugh. “I got to admit. I was a little intimidateddriving over here today. This has…sort of helped.”
“Intimidated of what?”
“Of you.” She blushed and looked down at the murky snow around her boots.
“Why would you be intimidated by me?”
“You’re…you know.” She gestured up and down his body with her gloved hands.
A mischievous grin spread across his face.“No. I don’t.”
“Come on. In your line of work? Don’t pretend like you don’t know you’re handsome as hell.”
Will looked away, trying to hide the grin on his face from the compliment. “Gremlin, come on, girl!”
Gremlin wandered to his side, panting hard, tongue hanging so far down it was nearly touching snow. Kuda trotted over to Ava, slow and playful.
Will clipped Gremlin’s leash onto her collar. “Well, I have to go take like a million showers now. But we should do this again sometime.Notthis, per se.” He motioned to the dogs. “But, you know, like…us.”
“Yes, let’s.” Ava pulled a set of keys from her coat pocket and picked up the leash Kudahad been dragging through the snow the entire time.
Ava held the gate open for him and Gremlin.
“And give you the perfect view of my feces and mud-soaked backside? No,thank you. Ladies first.”
He motioned to the gate, and she fought another snicker at the ludicrous mental image before leaving with her dog in tow.
Will followed close behind. “Hey, youeverbeen toThe Million Dollar Cowboy?”
“No. I know of it, but I’ve never been.”Ava smiled, feeling herself blush at what she would assumed would come next.
“How about we go grab a drink? SayWednesday? Seveno’clock?”
Ava fought the urge to squeal with joy, instead pretending to be calm. “Yeah, that sounds great.”
“It’s a date, then.”
He stripped off his jacket, folded it poo-side in, and tossed it on the passenger-side floorboard. Gremlin hopped in, dusting the upholstery in snowy paw prints.
Will climbed inthe driver’s seat and waved. She returned the gesture, beaming, and drove slowly out of the slick parking lot entrance back onto the main road. Will sat for a moment staring at the steering wheel, butt chilled, hip achingfrom the rude landing.He thought about the moment she touched him, on his back in the snow, and his body tingled with the electric currentof something special.
She had only been gone from his life for thirty seconds, and he already wanted to be around her. Hecouldn’t wait to see her again. The need was strong.