“Yes, sir. I’m ready.”
Her easy agreement and manners excite me, and I hope that she’s as accommodating when she’s finally spread out before me. I take her hand in mine and pull her along beside me as we head back to the Manor.
I glance to the side and can’t help but notice how beautiful this woman is. “What’s your name?”
Very fitting.
Her name rolls around in my mind, familiar though I can’t reason why. “A lovely name. I’m Rex, as you seem to already know.” I offer a smile, hoping that it eases the concern I see on her face.
“Yes, I know exactly who you are.” Her tone sounds accusatory, though I’ve no idea why.
Maybe who I am is no surprise but finding me here very well may be. Dipping my chin in her direction as an acknowledgment, I grip her hand a bit tighter and start to move back toward the Manor. She follows along.
What must she think of what is about to occur? Surely, she’s nervous. Who wouldn’t be? My hope, now that this Hunt is behind us, is for the rest of our night to end in mutual satisfaction.
Just get her back to your suite.
We make our way through the grounds in virtual silence. What’s left to be said? We both know what’s coming next. Maybe she doesn’t know the specifics like I do, but we both know, nonetheless, where this night is headed. I plan to use her in every way possible. I will get my fill of her and every penny’s worth that I paid for this pleasure.
The pleasure of having her at my disposal.
I love having control in all things and control of my partner. Her pleasure is the ultimate high.
We make our way back to the large stone monolith. She follows dutifully as we get inside and take the elevator up to my suite. A perk of being a VIP is that I have access to a suite instead of one of the many cabins that litter the grounds. Sometimes it pays to be the governor.
I look at her reflection in the doors just in time to catch her gawking at me. When our eyes meet, she casts her glance off to the side. I smile at the thought that she finds me almost as intriguing as I find her. Here in the light, I can see the delicate features of her beautiful face more clearly. Her alabaster skin, smooth and blemish-free, is nearly as pale as her hair. In the light, her eyes are more silver than blue, almost like glacial ice. She is stunning and I have always been a sucker for a beautiful woman.
As the elevator stops and the doors slide open, I take her hand again and lead her down the hall. My dirty boots leave muddied prints in our wake, and I have no doubt that a team of employees will be deployed and the floors will be as shiny as they once were. This place is monitored from one end to the other in public spaces and undoubtedly in some not-so-public spaces.
But with a place this large, the staff stays on top of everything, as does its owner. Knox Bane is one man even I would have to give considerable thought to crossing. He has a way of making problems disappear permanently.
We reach the door to my suite, and I place my finger on the pad to disengage the lock, and I push open the door.
“Please, Winter, after you.”
I stretch one hand out before her as the other goes to the small of her back, ushering her inside. She looks at me briefly but then her attention returns to the room before her. She cautiously steps inside, her arms wrapped tightly across her chest to hold my jacket closed around her. Not moving beyond the entryway, she slowly takes in the space before her.
The best five-star hotels have nothing on this place. No expense has been spared. There is a sitting area, a dining area, a small kitchen, bedroom, office, and bathroom. All modern appliances and furnishings dripping with wealth. It’s the type of luxury I am accustomed to and the perfect spot for me should I find myself here and actually need to work. But I rarely mix business with pleasure. Even I know how precious downtime can be.
I move to the corner, where a fully stocked bar of top-shelf liquors sits. “Let me pour you a drink.” I grab two glasses and a bottle of aged bourbon, pouring a couple of fingers into each glass. I cap the amber liquid, returning it to its resting place before I make my way to where Winter still stands.
“This will help warm you up.” I extend the glass to her, and she reaches out a hand to take it from my grip, our fingers brush, and she jerks her hand back as if she’s been shocked. The motion sends amber liquid sloshing over the edge of the glass and onto the floor at our feet.
I watch as she recovers, lifting the glass to those pouty burgundy lips. I raise my glass at the same time and watch as she drains the contents. Not even a sputter escapes her as she swallows the spicy concoction. I’m enamored as the muscles of her throat work. Unable to imagine what it will feel like when it’s my cock she’s swallowing while my fingers grasp her throat to feel myself inside. A sense of anticipation fills me. Without thought, I reach out and push a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her eyes widen as I caress her cheek, but she doesn’t pull away.
“Better?” I ask as I trail my thumb across her bottom lip, collecting a drop of bourbon that rests there.
“Yes.” She whispers the word, her eyes locked onto mine.
I toss the rest of my drink back and pull the glass from her grip. I step to her side and set the glasses down on the entry table before crowding her personal space. “Do you need anything?” I ask as a courtesy before I set my plans into motion.
As if unable to speak, Winter shakes her head.
“Very well. Let’s get cleaned up.”