Page 44 of The Deceived

“I knew you, before the Hunt, before the Manor. I knew Rex Dean the soldier. I was a young girl and you showed up at my parent's party in your military uniform and you stole my heart.” She ducks her head trying to hide her eyes from me.

“Don’t hide. Let me see you.”

She raises her eyes to look at me again. “I’ve loved you for so long. Even when I wanted to hate you.”

My brow furrows. “Why would you hate me? Did I do something to you?” She sighs and shifts from foot to foot, growing impatient with my cleaning her up, or worried about the bomb she thinks she is about to drop on me, but I tell you what, there isn’t much this woman can do to send me away now. And I find that I am okay with that.

“Be still.” I admonish with a smile as I wipe her brow.

“I’m the daughter of Augustus and Summer Jensen.”

I stop in my tracks.

“You’re Augustus’ daughter? I wondered what became of you after they were gone.”

She laughs a humorless laugh. “You took everything from us. My mom died and my father came to you for help and you stole his company. Everyone that worked there lost their jobs. Good people lost everything and so did we.”

Fuck.That’s not the truth. That’s not what happened at all but if I tell her, it will change the way she sees her father. I stay quiet but continue wiping at her face. Winter Jensen. I couldn’t recall August’s daughter’s name but I had wondered about her over the years since I had heard he had passed.

“I’m sorry about your parents. Did you go live with relatives after he passed away?” Fuck she became an orphan.

“No. I dropped out of school and tried to take care of myself. I don’t have any other family.”

Jesus Christ. This poor woman.

“I wanted revenge against you. I, I went to the Manor to earn enough money so that I would have the time to destroy you.”

“Winter.” I don’t even know what to say. Thinking of the events occurring as she must, I can’t blame her.

“You hate me now?”

“No.” I couldn’t hate her for wanting vengeance.

“Was I just revenge?” I feel vulnerable asking but if these feelings are one-sided…

“No.” She breathes the words and I lean in and kiss her lips. That’s all that matters. We can work past all the other things that stand in our way. With Winter by my side, life is happier.

“Hey!” I spin putting Winter behind me and draw my gun on Lazz.

He tosses his hands in the air, “Fuck. Don’t shoot quick draw.” And Ghost and Wild Man come in behind him.

“Well, fuck, I see you didn’t need too much help, after all, Governor.” Lazz laughs and I tuck my gun away, drawing Winter to my side under my arm.

“Hey, sweetheart. You good?” Lazz looks Winter over from a distance and I can tell he is genuinely trying to make sure she is ok.

“How about you two get on out of here and we’ll get this mess sorted.”

“You’d do that?” I ask cocking a brow in his direction.

“Oh yeah, we have a team for that. Besides, you’ll owe me a favor.”

He winks at me and I have no doubt the man cashes in his favor.

“Deal.” I walk over and shake his hand. He shakes mine back then hands me a set of keys.

“Your assistant won’t be needing that anymore. If you head down the hall, take two flights down it will dump you out at her sedan. Take care of our girl, and we’ll be in touch. Winter, you need me just call, sugar.”

“Thanks, Lazz, for everything.” She says as she reaches out to shake his hand.