Page 4 of The Deceived

Shit. Someone else has joined our party.

I don’t think he knows that I am here. I crouch down behind a fallen tree, and watch as he comes straight toward my hiding spot. That is until a twig snaps, and both of us glance in the direction of the sound. A white gown ghosts between the trees, and our new friend starts to give chase. I hop over the log and make my way after them.

“No sense in dragging this out. It’ll only make it worse for you when I catch you.”, says the newest guest.

His inebriated laugh echoes through the night, and I pick up my pace. The first Hunter to capture their Prey gets her for the night. I’ve spent a very pretty penny to become a member of Hale Manor because they cater to my darker desires. Desires that could never be discovered or acted upon in the real world, considering the position I hold. The cost of this membership also guarantees secrecy and silence by all who enter.

I have spent even more for the privilege of joining this Hunt tonight, and although the money is nothing compared to the vast amount at my disposal, after seeing her, I don’t intend to let anyone else get their hands onmyprize.

I watch as the man cuts toward where a shock of white hair disappears behind a tree. I bank left to close in on the opposite side. I dart around trees and clear them just in time to see the magical creature take the other man out with a tree limb to the face.


He yells, briefly stunned as he falls to the ground. No doubt a broken nose and possibly a missing tooth or two. She turns on me then, and I stop short as she steps across the body of the man she just knocked out.

“I’ll kick your ass, too, dickhead.” She holds the limb up in the air like a baseball bat, and I’m not going to lie, her defiance turns me on.

A deep chuckle escapes me as I throw up my hands. “I don’t doubt you for a second. But you can put that limb down, come with me, and actually enjoy the rest of your night or...”

Suddenly there’s chatter in the distance, and we both turn to the direction of the sound, which is just over the next ridge.

“Or,” I continue as she turns her attention back to me, “you can end up with one of those bumbling idiots. Maybe both. I hear they share everything.”

She shakes her head; the long, white length practically floating around her form. “How about I just kick all your asses and head back to my room? I think I like that plan better.”

I can’t help but chuckle again. I love her fire. I smile, but it doesn’t reach my eyes. She has no idea that I love a fucking challenge.

“Have it your way, but just know that when I disarm you, I will do my very best not to hurt you.”

She sucks in a breath at my words, and I stride forward, laser-focused on her. She backs up, a single step, never taking her eyes off me or lowering that fucking limb.

“I’m not kidding. I will hit you.”, she growls.

“You’ll try.”

I step forward as she steps back, tripping over the man who lies unconscious on the cold forest floor. She lets out a yell as she stumbles and falls.

I rush to her side, and as I am kneeling beside her, she sits up and swings the limb at me. I deflect it with my hand, and the limb flies from her grip.

It’s over now, and she knows it.

She just sits there, looking defeated, while I stand and extend my hand to help her up. Staring at my fingers for a moment the disappointment curving her features, she reaches out and takes it. Her fingers, chilled from the night air, clasp against my skin. Her eyes finally meet mine, and a strange look crosses her face. Shock maybe and then what seems to be anger.

“You.” She practically growls at me.

I yank her up by the arm and she slams into my chest, her breath catching in her throat.

“You know who I am?” I ask, staring into her silvery-blue eyes, and if looks could kill, I’d be dead. But just as quickly as the emotion overtook her delicate features, it’s replaced with a fake smile.

“Yes, Governor Dean. I know exactly who you are.”

“I see.”

Her flirtatious words are a practiced mask, but I don’t care enough to call her out on it.

“Are you ready to go to my suite?”

She smiles, although nothing about it seems genuine, and nods in agreement. I take a step back from her and unzip my wool jacket. I slide it off my arms and drape it around her shoulders. It hangs off her slight form, and something about this feels familiar. I don’t know why.