Page 36 of The Deceived

Rex hasn’t even acknowledged my existence since he returned. He and Tori work closely in hushed tones and don’t think that I don’t notice she touches him every chance she gets. I have to wonder if I did something wrong, but then I remember, just like the security guard, I’m expendable. Maybe I had it all wrong earlier. Rex is just out to protect his campaign.



Iloosen the tie around my neck, before yanking it off and I let out an exasperated sigh as the town car drives me and Tori back to the hotel.

"Today was brutal." I mumble to myself. I'm just glad that it is over for now. I made the right decision to leave Winter at the hotel. The last thing either of us needs is more attention focused on this scandal.

“I don't want to say I told you so again.”

Tori has been on my last fucking nerve today. “Well, then fucking don't.”

I unbutton the top two buttons of my shirt just trying to get rid of this suffocating feeling that seems to have taken over my life the last few days. I’m on edge. I haven’t felt this anxious in a long time.

The press is all over me today wanting to know who the mystery girl was, how long she's been my girlfriend, will we get married, do I consider myself a dominant, and just on and on and on. Talking ridiculous shit to me. I swear to God I should have put Steven’s head on a plate for leaking this. I can only assume he did this for some quick cash. He wouldn’t answer me when I confronted and fired him and that only pissed me off further.

“I talked to Judy earlier from the public relations team. She suggested laying low. Don’t answer any questions about it. They'll try to deflect this as best they can.”

“Great, just fucking great.” What kind of advice is that bullshit? Like I am too stupid to know that you divert, divert, divert.

“You know I'm trying my best to help you. But if you choose not to listen to me, there's not much I can do for you.”

I practically growl her name. “Tori I'm not in the mood. I get you’re trying to help me and I get that you're doing your job, and I get that you have a problem with Winter. Trust me I know, but I'm not in the fucking mood.”

Luckily, we aren’t far from the hotel. I can’t wait to get out of this fucking car and put some much-needed space between Tori and me. The friction between us since the scandal leaked has been unreal. And I'm not sure why she seems to have this need to chastise me rather than do her fucking job and assist me. I have an entire fucking team for advice. Hers isn’t needed or wanted.

The limo pulls up outside of the hotel and I waste no time getting out.

“Governor Dean, can you tell us who was the mystery woman?” Are you abusive? Will you marry her?”

Pushing my way past the press to the lobby, their questions come in rapid-fire. I'm not answering any of their fucking questions. I look back and Tori is lagging, the press has surrounded her and is peppering her with the same questions. It's an asshole move leaving Tori out there to fight for herself, but right now I don't seem to care. There's only one woman I need to see.

I get to the elevator and press the buttons that will take me to the floor of my penthouse suite, and for the first time all day, I feel like I can finally breathe.

I've gone to war, served my country, and served many missions under the radar for the Special Activities Division and I would do any of that all over again rather than deal with the fucking press.They are relentless.

The elevator takes its sweet ass time but when it finally deposits me on my floor and I get out I stop in my tracks. The door to our suite stands ajar.

The hair on the back of my neck rises. There's no reason that fucking door should be open. I waste no time pulling out the hidden firearm in my waistband and make my way to the door.

I stand there silently for a moment and listen. I hear nothing. I note that the door isn’t busted. Pushing the door open the rest of the way, I walk inside scanning from side to side. I don't see Winter anywhere.

What I do see stops me in my fucking tracks.

The suite is a wreck. The coffee table is toppled over and it looks like Winter might have been having breakfast at the time of her attack. The food from her domed plate is everywhere.

My girl gave them a fight.And I’m not surprised in the least. But with the front door not busted open, they had a reason to be invited in or she knew her kidnapper. I sweep the rest of the rooms, the bedrooms, the bathrooms and she is nowhere to be found.

She’s got to be okay.I keep telling myself that. Whatever Winter’s back story may be, she’s tough. I just hope one day she will trust me enough to tell me. I realize that I like the thought of that.

I hear a noise at the door and turn, aiming my gun. Tori stops dead in her tracks, raising her hands in the air. “Christ Rex! What in the hell?” I lower the gun and put it back in its holster so I can dig out my phone and make a call.

“What happened in here?” Tori looks around carefully as if something will reach out and grab her.

“Winter has been taken.” I send a text to Knox Bane. Explaining the situation. A few seconds later he says he has a man on the way who can help and I welcome it.

“Taken? Who would do such a thing?”