“Can I speak frankly with you?” Tori asks as she spins around facing me. She’s agitated and I’m not quite certain why. But there was no need to take that out on Winter.
“Of course, you can. I always want you to speak your mind. We’ve known each other far too long for anything less.”
Tori huffs and begins pacing the length of the small kitchenette; back and forth. I wait her out. She always does this. She has to figure out her every move, or in this case, her every word before she says it. She stops before me then leans against the counter.
“We’ve known one another for most of our lives, Rex, so I know you, the real you. Hell, we were kids when we met. I knew you before you became the man that you are today. But I cannot for the life of me, figure out what is going on with you and Winter. She’s too young for you and if the press catches wind of the real reason that she’s here__ to be your fuck toy, it will ruin you. I cannot stand the thought of that. The thought that you would lose everything that we worked so hard for.”
“Tori,” I try to interject but she cuts me off with the wave of a hand.
“Just let me finish Rex, please.”
“Far be it for me to stop you.” I try to joke but she shoots me a dirty look but keeps going.
“And if news of this leaks, it doesn’t just affect you, it affects me. I know that sounds selfish, but it does and I have followed you for years. I’ve done every little dirty deed that you needed to be done. You needed a blow job on the trail. Done. Found somebody to give it to you. You needed to get laid to blow off some steam. Done. Found somebody to do it for you. You wanted to party with a couple of women. Done. Set it up for you. Not to mention all of the other multimillion tasks that I do every damn day to keep the Governor machine going.”
“Tori, I get that you’re worried. I appreciate it, I do.” She has done a lot for me and yes, she has gone above and beyond at times, but she is also paid fucking handsomely to do so. “Yes, I am aware that this not only affects me it affects you. It affects everyone that is a part of this campaign. I am aware. But at the end of the day, it’smycampaign. These are my decisions to make, and I guess if you don’t like the decisions that I make, maybe we need to discuss another position for you.” It’s a hard truth, but if Tori is unhappy with the situation, we need to change it. I own many other businesses that she could go to work for. I’d happily let her transfer.
Tori scoffs. “So, you would choose her over me? All of the years that I’ve stood by your side, helped you to win elections for mayor and state representative, mean shit to you? I have helped build up your image. I have helped do every sort of little dirty deed that you needed to have done and this is my repayment?
“Tori, that’s not fair at all. You’re my friend.Of course, I care what happens to you, but if you’re asking me to choose between you and Winter, I’m afraid that you might not like the answer.”
I will not be given an ultimatum, not even from one of my oldest friends. Tori was there when I was young and lost and she stayed true through some of the darkest parts of my life but that doesn’t mean she has control of me and my decisions. Tori seems to forget who the fuck I am, who I was before I ran for office. She is only thinking of this persona, not the real me. But who I fuck and how I fuck them is no one’s fucking business.
“If this situation were to be leaked to the press, then so be it. Everyone involved is an adult. I am not ashamed of Winter. Is her current employment a bit of a problem? Sure. But I will deal with shit if and when it comes my way.”
Tori scoffs. “I’m just tired. It’s been a long, few days.”
I can see the worry and stress on my old friend’s face.“Have some dinner and some wine and get a good night’s sleep.” I pat her arm but she captures my hand.
“You’re wrong to trust her.” Tori states, looking up into my eyes. She squeezes my hand, tightly. Looking for some sort of assurance but I’ve already said all that I plan to share with her on the subject of Winter.
“Once upon a time people said the same thing to me about you.” She flinches at my words. Tori was strung out on meth when I pulled her out of that topless bar and got her cleaned up. “What if I would have listened to them?”
I pull my hand from her grasp and head back to my suite.
“It’s not the same thing and you know it,” Tori calls after me.
No, maybe it isn’t the exact same thing but the point of the matter is that I don’t listen to anyone, not anymore. Not since all those years ago when I freed myself from the hell that was my childhood and took control of my own damn life. I do what I fucking want and so far, that’s made me successful beyond my own wildest dreams.
Ican’t believe Rex just stood up for me. I never expected out of all people in the world that I thought would have my back, he wasn’t even on the list.
I hover by the door, listening for anything that might be useful to my cause, but I don’t hear anything of importance. Just a bitter, jealous woman who is too scared to go after what she wants.
I move to the kitchen and grab myself a bottle of water. That Tori sure is a piece of work, but I don’t think she buys my bullshit for a second. You can’t bull shit a bull shitter or so they say and that woman; is as full of shit as I am. I don’t need her to believe me, but Rex is as blind as a bat if he doesn’t realize Tori has feelings for him. She sees me as competition. She might as well have just peed a circle around the man, and I think if she thought that would help her cause she’d do it in a heartbeat.
But she hit the nail right on the head when she said that I could expose him. I could expose his dirty little secrets. I could go to the media. I could give them my story and I could bring him down. It would be so easy and I would finally have my revenge. It might feel good to finally be rid of this weight that I have carried around for what seems like an eternity.
But then where does that leave me?
By exposing him, I’d be exposing myself. Exposing myself for the spiteful, vengeful whore that I currently am, and I would be dragging my family’s good name through the mud.
I’m not sure that’s the best idea. I’m not sure revenge against him is worth that, destroying what my father worked tirelessly for decades trying to build; his legacy our fallen empire, and here I am considering destroying what’s left of it.
I just don’t think I can do that.