“You’re going with me on the campaign trail as the assistant to my assistant.” He laughs like this is the greatest idea in the world and he kisses me again, this time so thoroughly I enjoy it and am immediately disgusted with myself. He takes my hand and pulls me toward the steps of the jet.
“My bag!” I shout trying to pull away from him. There’s a picture of me with my parents inside and I don’t want to lose it. It’s the only thing that I brought with me when I snuck onto the grounds of the manor. It’s my only keepsake until I leave there for good. My driver hands off my bag to another uniformed man, but Rex squeezes my hand stopping me. “It’s okay. They’ll load it on the plane.”
He keeps my hand as he leads me up the steps and onto the jet. “It’ll be fine, Winter. You can trust me.”
I trust you about as much as I trust the devil.
Iwalk into my hotel suite, my home away from home. I don’t enjoy the campaign trail. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy meeting the people I represent. That is the best part of the job, knowing that I can help. I do take this position seriously and I’d like to think I’ve done a damn good job so far. I keep my professional life separate from my personal life because I never want my personal life to reflect poorly on the great state of Tennessee and its citizens. No matter how much of a deviant I may be, I do care for the welfare of my state.
But the campaign trail can be long and hard and as a single man, and it can be lonely. Especially so while trying to run the state and make a bid for re-election at the same time. This pace, it turns out, can be grueling.
I check my surroundings, the clean, spacious rooms and I find it is well worth my while to stay in a nice space while out on the road. I have room to breathe and enough privacy at this pricey hotel to whet my tastes. It’s a comfortable space and it feels more like a home and less like a typical unwelcoming hotel.
The valet shuffles into the suite behind me as I walk over to the balcony and push back the sheer curtains. A nice little cast iron bistro set sits outside on the small space that overlooks the woods. I can see myself fucking Winter as I bend her over that table. The valet carries my bags in behind me.
“Would you like me to put your things away for you, Sir?”
“No, thank you. Just place my bags in the closet. I’ll put my own things away.” I can’t stand the thought of the chaos it would cause my mind if someone else put out my clothes, shoes, and toiletries. I imagine how out of place they’d all be and practically shudder with anxiety just from the thought.
I wait impatiently, raking a hand down my face for the older man to finish up and leave.Get the fuck out.Taking his sweet ass time, the valet ambles back out of the closet and I practically toss his tip at him.
“Thank you, sir.” He says as I place my hand on his back, steering him toward the door.
“You’re welcome,” I open the door and practically shove the poor man out of it, and then promptly shut it.Probably lost that vote.But I don’t give a fuck. Not when my cock is getting hard. I ignore the insistent pull to go straighten my suitcases, just knowing that they were left out of alignment. But strangely I can’t bring myself to care right now. Especially not when I have more important plans.
I make my way over to the door that opens into the adjoining suite. My staff will stay in the three-bedroom suite next to mine, but one very important person is sneakily coming over to my side to stay.Unlocking the locks on my side of the door, I raise a hand and I am just about to knock on the door when I notice that the door drifts open ajar. It is already opened on the other side as well.
It’s Tori, shouting at someone that pulls my attention.What in the world?She seems pissed, really fucking pissed. What could have her so upset? We just got here. I push open the door between our rooms and no one seems to notice as I slip inside the other suite.I don’t even bother to shut the door behind me.
Like my suite, the adjoining door is in the hallway that spills into the main sitting room. All though the space is smaller it is still just as nice as my accommodations.
I walk the short hall and turn to see Tori has Winter cornered by the refrigerator in the kitchenette. Before I can intervene, Tori continues her rant.
“You’re not going to ruin everything that I have worked so hard for with your whoring fucking ways. Do you understand me? Your time here is short and insignificant. You’re scratching his itch. You are one of many. A hole to pump his dick into. Got it? You are nothing and no one special to him. You mean nothing.”
Winter is smiling and that’s just making Tori even madder.
“Tori. That is quite enough.” Both women turn to face me, and Winter picks up her bag and walks around a seething Tori and makes her way toward me. And fuck is she beautiful. The fact that she was just unflappable makes me appreciate her even more. I really know now that this was a good decision. Winter knows and respects discretion. Even in the face of anger, she couldn’t be swayed to engage.
“Winter, please go to my room. That is where you will be staying. The adjoining door behind me is open. I’ll be with you in a moment. I just need to have a word with Tori. Please make yourself at home.”
“Yes, sir,” Winter mockingly replies with a smirk in my direction. She seems nonetheless worse for wear and I swear my cock twitches.That woman did that on purpose.As Winter passes me by, I grasp her arm to stop her. “Are you okay?”
I need to make sure that she still feels safe here. She doesn’t know any of us and I didn’t have very much time to do anything to prepare her for the time she will be spending with me. I don’t want her to feel singled out since she just met the unwelcome party.
“Yes. Thank you for stepping in. I’m sorry if it puts you in an awkward position.”
I lean in brushing a soft pack to her lips. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t here to stop her from saying such terrible things to you.” I chuckle softly where only she can hear, I whisper, “I’ve got some positions in mind to put you in, later.” Winter snorts a laugh and she just clucks her tongue and rolls her eyes at me before exiting the suite.Fortunately, she seems no worse for the wear.
I hope she didn’t take anything Tori said to heart.
I tuck my hands into the pockets of my pants and walk the final few steps over to the kitchenette. Tori doesn’t look at me as she stands with her hands on her hips and a disgusted look on her face. Tori is on edge lately and I’m not sure why. She used to confide in me but I am finding that to not be the case lately. Maybe she has someone else to turn to. Maybe she’s feeling the mounting pressures of this re-election campaign. I think we all are.
A lot of people are counting on me.But that doesn’t excuse what I just heard.