Page 27 of The Deceived

Like me.I don’t care if they’re shattered.Like I am.

A knock sounds at my door dragging me from my thoughts and it’s a welcome reprieve. It can’t be Lila because she’s already on the casino floor and I wasn’t expecting a visitor tonight.

I get up from my vanity, smoothing my black dress down with my hands as I make my way to the door. I swing it open, and I am a little startled to see Ace and Lazz standing on the other side.

“Sweetheart.” Lazz croons, reaching out and grabbing me by the shoulders, he hauls me in to kiss my cheek before he releases me. Ace stands beside him just as cool and handsome as he was the last time that I saw him. His black suit is tailored impeccably. It showcases his ripped body, and his slightly disheveled hair looks sexy as hell; like he ran his fingers through it multiple times throughout the day. If I had any fucking sense at all, I’d be trying to land his ass. But something about his demeanor tells me he doesn’t fuck with employees. Not that he thinks he is too good for us, but maybe that is a professional line that he won’t cross.

These two are polar opposites and my eyes don’t know where to look. These men are too handsome for their own good, and mine. But looks aside, the fact that they are here at my suite, together, is terrifying.

“Hi. Did I do something wrong?” I hate the tremble in my voice that little touch of fear because you do not want these two to show up at your door. Nothing good can come from it. As far as I know, there’s no reason for them to be here.

This is bad.

“No, it’s nothing like that. Do you mind if we come in?” Ace asks as Lazz leans casually against the door jamb; his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans.

“Um, please come in.” I stammer as I open the door wider and motion for them to come inside. They seem to take up all of the space in my room. They’re huge, intimidating and I am fucking worried and scared shitless for what their presence here tonight means for me and my future.

All my plans and plotting my revenge flash before my eyes. I’m never going to get revenge on Rex, now. Something big is happening for them to be here.

“Sit, please.” I motioned toward the tiny apartment-sized couch in the little living room area of my suite.

The two behemoths make their way toward it and once they sit down and are shoulder to shoulder. I hope the piece of furniture can support their combined weight. You can’t even see the couch underneath their large forms.

“Sorry, we bothered you. We know you’re getting ready for the floor tonight, but we have something we need your help with.” I look at Ace and his gorgeous chiseled face. He could make a God envious of his looks. He’s that beautiful and that perfect.

“What is it? I’m happy to help if I can.” I lean against the dresser across from where they sit on that poor couch. It creaks underneath them every time one of them moves.

Shit, I’d do anything they want. I don’t doubt that they could kill me in the blink of an eye. My body would never be found. So yes, I will absolutely do whatever it is that these two wants. What other options do I have?

None. That’s what.

“This is a little unorthodox. It’s not something we would normally do, hell it’s not something we have ever done, but we feel this could be beneficial for us as well as perfectly safe for you.”

Ace watches me, his cold beauty terrifies me. It’s totally the opposite from when I look at Lazz. He’s positively beaming with a radiant smile. His teeth are perfect. His long hair is pulled up in a half up half down style and I won’t lie he is mesmerizing to be around. He has one of those magnetic personalities. He seems so happy like he doesn’t have a care in the world. But I’ve heard that’s all a front, a cover for how dark he is or can be.

“What do you need from me?” I ask trying to hide my panic and my growing impatience. The unknown of this is terrifying me.

“We need you to pack a bag. You’re headed to the airport in an hour.” Lazz beams that megawatt smile at me. The one that makes me even more worried.

Holy shit.What the hell is this about? The only thing I can think of is the Russian. Shit. Am I going to be sent to the Russian?

“Can I ask what this is about?” I hope that I am not overstepping my bounds but I’m freaking out a little bit. No one leaves the Manor so why are they making an exception this time and why is it me who is the exception to the rule?

“I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Lazz gets to his feet and Ace stands up right behind him. “So pack a bag sweetheart.” Lazz opens the door and they shuffle out into the hall.

“I don’t even get an answer?” The words come out panicked and a little harsher than I intend.

“I’m sorry not this time. But you’ll be back soon and then we will owe you a favor. How’s that?” Ace levels those intense eyes on me and suddenly, I don’t have any more questions. But they would owe me a favor. I like the sound of that.

“Can you at least tell me what I need to pack?” Hopefully, that will give me some clue as to where in the world I’m headed.

“Pack for the same temperature it is here, that should be fine. A town car will be out front waiting once you’re ready. You get in and don’t ask questions. The driver will not answer you because he doesn’t know and when he pulls up to your destination you will get out and someone from there will direct you.”

Jesus, what the hell is this?

“Okay, thanks. But I don’t have a bag to pack.” I shout to their retreating forms. Kind of hard to bring a bag when you’ve snuck onto the property.

“I’ll get one sent up.” Ace shouts as they turn the corner and vanish.