I stand up from the desk, straightening my tie with one hand as I push my chair in just so, being sure that it lines up perfectly before I walk off. Tori isn’t wrong my straightening habit has intensified but it isn’t anything new or anything that I can’t handle. Besides a little tidiness never hurt anyone.
“Rex, what’s going on? Who’s here?” Tori seems worried and once she realizes who is here, I know that worry will only intensify.
I reach around her for the doorknob. “It’s okay, Tor. Get me a meeting with the Mayor from Sheldon County set up. We’ll try to work our way into her good graces when we head to west Tennessee tomorrow.” I open the door to usher Tori out, but she stops in her tracks when she sees who my meeting is with.
“Rex?” She questions, but I put my hand on her lower back and move her forward.
“It’s okay, Tor. Really, it is okay.”
She whispers. “I’ll send Steven to stand outside of the door.” I don’t say if these three get pissed off no one in this office could stop them from doing whatever they liked. Possibly not even me.
“It’s a pleasure to see you Mr. Bane, Mr. Mondragon, and Mr. Alexander. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to see me.” I shake the hands of each of the three large men as they pass by and file into my office. Tori turns back to look at me with a skeptical look on her face, but she turns around swiftly and marches right over to Steven.
I shut the office door as I take a breath, composing myself before I walk over and take a seat behind my desk. I look upon the faces of some of the most dangerous men that I have ever met. They have a seat in the chairs across from my desk; chairs that suddenly appear to be too small for their bulky frames. I have no doubt that they each have several weapons strapped to them. I could tell by the looks on the faces of my security detail that they were on the verge of having a shit fit when I waved them through without being searched.
I am also certain that Steven is now standing guard outside my office door while this meeting takes place, thanks to Tori. Not that he poses any type of threat to these men. I don’t think I’m in any danger, either, and I can handle myself. I wasn’t just a soldier and I’m not fucking stupid. Plus, I’m deadly as fuck, too. So, there’s that. Even if only a few people are aware of that fact.
“Let’s get down to business, shall we? I have a wife at home that needs me.” Knox says as he knocks Lazz’s feet off of my desk with one hand as Ace punches Lazz in the arm. “You guys are dicks.” Lazz says as he rubs his arm and honestly, it’s a bit comical to see these three interact They seem a bit like brothers. It makes me miss my friends and the camaraderie that I only have with Duke Cavanaugh and Seven Mason.
I straighten the small stack of papers off to the side of my desk before continuing. “Yes, right to the point. I can appreciate that. I am very interested in spending time with Winter.” Naked and in various positions sounds like a brilliant use of time. Just thinking about her tied up and spanking her makes my cock twitch. This is not the time or place for that.
“I can see that. She is gorgeous, funny, a smart, sexy woman. She is one of the favorites at the Manor. I guess you could tell after Kirill Volkov wanted to rearrange your face over her.” Lazz laughs and Ace bristles beside him, but Knox is unfazed. I try not to feel jealous of the fact that he seems to know her better than I do.
“Yes, she is stunning, but as you may know, this is an election year and I will be on the road campaigning. I’m finding it harder to get away, discreetly.” I adjust the papers on my desk and straighten my ink pen to align with my notepad. “The eyes of the public and the media are on me. I’d hate to draw unwanted attention to myself, and your fine establishment, by disappearing behind the mysterious gates of The Manor.” Fuck, if they don’t agree to this I don’t know when I’ll be able to see Winter. That thought alone pisses me off. I have two weeks on the campaign trail coming up soon. I’m not sure that I can go that long without soothing this ache since that has only grown since the last time that I saw Winter. I smooth a hand down my tie and sit back in my chair taking in the three stony faces that stare back at me.
“I can appreciate your dilemma, but this isn’t something that we have ever done in all the years that we have run our establishment. It is an unprecedented move and it goes against our own rules. The ladies don’t leave the Manor. Ever.” Ace sits back in his chair and I can tell he is the take no shit type. There’s something darker there, just under his exterior. I know it all too well. He doesn’t strike me as the type to go against the rules. From what I’ve been able to gather, he is running the Manor now, especially since Knox got married. I’m guessing owning a brothel, being a hired gun, and being a husband were just a bit too much on his plate.
“I’m willing to pay. Allow me to buy her out of her contract.”
“That’s not how this works. We aren’t human traffickers.” A muscle ticks in Knox’s jaw.
I raise my hands, “I’m not trying to offend anyone. I’m just trying to find a reasonable solution to a problem. One where all parties benefit.”
“We will consider your offer and get back to you.” Knox stands up, Ace and Lazz following suit and then they all file out of my office.
“Fuck that didn’t go as planned.” I push a pen out of place on my desk and only slightly cringe as it lands askew.Fuck it.I don’t bother to straighten it.
Steven sticks his head in the door after the men leave, “Everything okay, sir?”
I sigh and lean back in my chair. “All good.”
Except it fucking isn’t.
It’s been a week, a long, stressful week, since I last saw Rex. He hasn’t sent any lingerie, no flowers or perfume, not a single fucking thing.
My nerves have been on edge every night that I go down to the casino floor to work. I find myself pathetically scanning the crowd for him most of the night. Of course, he’s not there. Why would he be? He’s already gotten what he wanted. I was stupid. I played this all wrong. I gave in to his needs too soon and now, he’s done.
I sit at my vanity staring at my reflection with disgust as I brush my long straight hair and I realize I’m a fucking idiot. I traded my revenge away for orgasms.
Way to go, Winter. Great job avenging your family.
I threw it all away for what? How did it come to this? How was I so close, my revenge within my damn grasp, only for it to slip through my fingers?
I toss my brush onto the vanity, and it clatters across the surface knocking over my perfumes. I’m too annoyed to care if they are broken.