“Yes,” I answer but the wind whips around us and blows my wrap off of my shoulders, and before I can grasp it, Rex snatches it mid-air.
“Good save!” We both laugh and as he walks toward me, I wish so badly that I were older. I want this man to see me as a woman. But I’m not. He bundles my wrap around my shoulders and I stare into his eyes like a love-struck fool. He takes a step back from me and I could cry from the loss of his closeness. Crush is right because that’s how I feel, crushed. I pull my long pale hair out from under the shawl, fighting this breeze with every movement.
“Is that a bruise on your neck?” I turn to look at him and he looks almost mad. His posture has gone stiff, his fists are clenched by his sides. “Did someone hurt you?” he asks and I’m not certain what…oh wait, my hand shoots to the exposed side of my neck, my mother had my hair styled in a side-swept style tonight.
“Do you mean my red heart-shaped birthmark?” He assesses me for a moment then his demeanor softens. “My mother said all the women in our family have one. She has one too.” I get the impression that he doesn’t like it, so I keep my hand on my neck, shielding it from him.
“May I see it?” He asks, his voice soft now. I realize I like that voice. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
“Of course, you can.” I want to make him happy again. I don’t like this sad look on his face. I walk the couple of steps that separate us and turn my head so the lights from the balcony can give him a better view.
“Well, look at that. A unique birthmark for a unique young lady.”
I smile up at him excitedly, because I think he thinks I am special?
“Rex, there you are. Do you have a minute?”
My father calls to him and I’m immediately upset that he’s pulling him away.
“It was a pleasure to see you. Hang on tight to your shawl, since I won’t be here to catch it.”
“Okay.” I say as I smile like a lunatic.
As he walks off with my father, he smiles at me one last time and I totally melt. “Don’t stay up too late tonight, Winter.” My father calls to me before wrapping his arm around Rex. And now I’m mad at my father for stealing him away and for making our age gap obvious.
“I have some people for you to meet Rex, my boy. Great connections for your bright future.” My father says clapping Rex on the back as he guides him back inside.
I reel myself back from that old memory and pull my hair free from his grip, tugging it over my shoulder and hiding my birthmark. Do I think he’ll recall that moment all those years ago with a young girl on a balcony? No, I don’t, but I sure as hell don’t need to push my luck. I’m not taking any chances.
“Come here.” He says as he takes my hand and pulls me up, helping me off of the floor. “Let me get a good picture of you.” He walks me over toward the bed and I get pissed at myself that when he drops my hand, I miss the warmth of his touch.It’s just because I was thinking about my old crush on him.Maybe some of those old long-dead feelings have bubbled up to the surface since we were just fucking. I’d guess that’s what it is.
He straightens out the silk and the pillows before he goes to the table filled with a row of candles. He picks up the lighter and relights them as the room once again becomes cast in a seductive glow. He makes his way over to the bathroom door and opens it further so more light spills into the space.
“Lay on the bed, Winter.” His voice is soft and almost kind, and I feel a little compelled to do as he instructs. So, I make my way to the bed and I make damn sure when I crawl onto it, he has a perfect view of my unobscured backside.
“Fuck.” He whispers under his breath, and I don’t hide my sly smile as I turn over and lay on my side. I drape my arm along the lines of my body as I prop my head up on my hand. I make damn sure that my hand is covering my birthmark.
“You are beautiful.” I can’t help the flutter in my belly at his words. I’ll worry about what that means later.
“Take your picture.” I sass and smile since he is just standing there staring at me with his camera hanging in his hand.
“Right.” He chuckles as he raises his camera and it is the sound of pure happiness. It throws me off for a moment.
“Say cheese.” I smile and he snaps away. Stopping to look at his phone, he says, “I got some great pictures. But I don’t think there could ever be any bad pictures of you.” My heart hammers in my chest at his words and I will it to calm down as he makes his way over and sits on the bed beside me. It dips with his weight and I roll a little bit into his side. He drapes his arm around me to steady me and I am immediately consumed by that leathery scent of his, just like I remembered all those years ago.
“Careful now.” He laughs as he tosses his phone onto the table that holds all the instruments we played with earlier. He wraps me into his strong arms and rolls us over onto the bed where he lands on top of me.
“Thank you for tonight. I needed that more than you know.” Those are some sweet words pouring out of the mouth of a lying monster, but I smile anyway.
“Will I see you again?” I cup his cheek and he so easily leans into it.Hook. Line. And Sinker.
“You can come to see me.” His lips brush against mine and damn him they are soft.
“I can’t leave the Manor grounds; I have a contract.” I am seriously regretting that contract right now. I don’t know how many more times I can expect him to show up here, and I still have a few months left before I am released from my obligations here.
His lips brush mine and his hard cock slides against the seam of me. I moan against his lips. It feels so good and I hate both of us for it.
“I’ll see what I can do. I am the Governor after all, and that has to hold some sway.”