“You look stunning tonight. I knew this would look amazing when I had it tailored for you.”
Shit. He had this made for me?I must say that’s a little surprising. I could see him sending someone, one of his lackeys maybe, to buy this for me. But the fact that he took the time to have this designed and crafted screams volumes about where his attraction for me stands. My plan is going far better than I ever realized.
“Thank you. I love it.” I stand a little taller kick my hip out a little bit, push my tits out a bit more and of course, his eyes zoom right in on that very spot.
“I hoped you would. Would you like to take a walk with me?”
Hell yes, I do. A chance to get him alone and weave a tighter web? Absolutely.
“I’d love to.” He extends his arm and I take it, allowing him to escort me from the casino floor. We walk out through the double doors, and he nods at the Manor security that stands there, before pushing his way through a set of double glass doors that lead into the garden. I get a chill as I recall the last time I stepped foot outside these doors. It was the night of the hunt, the night I was unknowingly captured by the very man that I am now trying to bring down.
It’s a beautiful fall night. There’s a slight chill in the air and I can’t tell if the shiver wracking my body is from the cold, or the anticipation of my plan finally coming to fruition.
I’ve waited years for this moment, and now it’s finally here.
Rex believes I’m chilly, so being the gentleman that he believes himself to be, he removes his jacket and drapes it around my shoulders.
“Are you cold?”, he asks. “Thank you. Yeah, just a bit. This sheer dress doesn’t offer much warmth against these chilly nights.” I can’t help but to discreetly sniff his jacket, the scent of warm spices andhimwrapping around me.
“It won’t be much longer before the weather will turn even colder. You can already feel it in the air.”
He drones on about the weather as we walk through the gardens and down a path toward where the rows of cabins light up the darkened forest around them. I really couldn’t give two shits about the weather.
“I love it when the trees around the Governor’s mansion are covered with snow. It’s surreal.”
“Uh-huh,” I reply. I’m not even listening as we make our way down the illuminated path. I’ve been to the cabins a few times. Mostly it was with a couple of patrons who enjoyed watching and putting on a show, but tonight the pathways are extra crowded.
“You’ve been here before.” Not a question.
“Yes.” Rex doesn’t ask for any details, but I can tell by the set of his muscular jaw he isn’t pleased by my answer.
Of course, I’ve been here. I’ve been at the Manor for months now. Does he think I get to stay here and not keep up my end of the contract? It doesn’t work that way. At my luckiest, I’d be thrown out onto the street or I could just disappear. I’m not about to ask. I’m fulfilling my contract. I have enough troubles without having murderers pissed off at me.
He continues to guide me down the path and I can’t help but glance into one of the windows as we pass. Amelia, a beautiful girl that I went to boarding school with, is in one of the cabins, her huge white gown telling me that she was chosen for The Hunt.
The top of the gown is peeled off of her torso, exposing her breasts, and the skirt of the dress is carelessly tossed up and resting on her ass. I watch as the Hunter pummels her from behind. Her eyes are closed, and her mouth hangs open as she comes. I haven’t spoken to her in my time here other than a brief hello. Neither of us revealing what tragedy occurred in our lives to take us from pampered princess to bordello entertainment.
Rex squeezes my hand tighter and I turn, his attention momentarily fixed on Amelia before his pace picks up. I follow him as he leads us up onto the porch of the next cabin. He pushes his finger against the lock, and a few seconds later, it disengages and he’s pushing the door open.
Dim lights automatically turn on as we enter and I can’t help but gasp when I see everything that’s laid out for thisexperience.
He planned for this.
A bed draped in fine red silk is placed in front of the darkened window. Candlelight casts the space in an ethereal glow. An assortment of instruments are spaced out precisely on a small table that is nestled beside the bed. A riding crop, mask, rope, wand, and a butt plug.
I turn to find Rex smiling at me as he pushes the door shut with one hand and loosens his tie with the other. The lock clicking into place sounds like thunder as it rings through the room and my head.
This is it.While things between us were intense last time, to say the least, we didn’t have sex. It wasn’t this intimate.
“Are you okay with this?” Rex asks, walking in slow circles around me, sizing me up. He straps the tie off his head and tosses it onto a nearby table. His eyes blaze a path across my skin I swear I feel it like a phantom touch.
“Yes. You do understand that I work here? Of course, I’m okay with it.” The words escape harsher than I intend but he’s caught me off guard again tonight.
He doesn’t care about me.I remind myself. This man destroyed my life. I don’t owe him anything. Now it’s time for his comeuppance.
His laugh is a dry, throaty and humorless sound as he unbuttons a couple of buttons on his shirt. “Such a smart mouth.” He murmurs, more to himself, as he walks toward me.
We size each other up. I follow his every move as he circles me. I’m startled when he traces a finger down my spine and even over the top of the sheer material of this dress, I can feel warmth washing over me, in the wake of his touch.