Page 18 of The Deceived

I didn’t do two tours of Afghanistan and then carry out missions with the Special Activities Division of the CIA for a decade to be intimidated by the likes of The Wolf.

“Is that so?” Kirill pushes me, but before I have a chance to fully draw back my hand and punch this smug piece of shit in his mouth, Knox Bane appears between us.

“Gentlemen, this isn’t the place for this type of interaction.” Knox, Ace, and Lazz slide into the small space between us. Ace directs Kirill and his associate off toward the bar, leaving Lazz to usher Winter over to the bar.

I don’t take my eyes off of her as he leads her, one hand on the small of her back. She turns, her eyes meeting mine.

“Sorry, Governor Dean. Mr. Volkov is used to getting his way. Can I get you anything?” Knox tries to smooth the tension and slowly the room returns to its activities now that the tense situation has been diffused.

“Actually, I’d like to ask a favor.” Here we go. This is what the red-carpet treatment boils down to. They want to be in my good graces, and I might as well use that to my advantage.

“Just ask.” Knox crosses his massive arms and nods his head once in my direction as a sign to continue.

“I’d like to have Winter accompany me tonight.”

“Of course.” Knox says without hesitation.

Okay, that was easy enough, so I continue, “I also need your help with a few things.

“Just ask, Governor and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.”

I can barely contain my smile as I tell Knox everything that I need to make this night one that neither Winter nor myself will forget.



Ican’t believe Rex was about to get into an actual fight over me. I can’t say I wouldn’t have loved to see that beast of a man bloody up Rex. The thought of watching the handsome Governor get beaten to a bloody pulp brings a smile to my face.

Turning, I glance over my shoulder, giving Rex one final look as Lazz walks me to the bar.

Rex’s eyes connect with mine and shivers race down my spine. There’s always been something dark about him, just beneath the surface. Even through his finely cultivated exterior, it’s visible. Just there, lurking. I can see it in his eyes tonight. It’s terrifying and sexy as hell.

“You okay darling?” Lazz asks, snapping my attention to him as he walks around the corner of the bar to get me a glass of water. How this man knows I only drink water is beyond me. Well, and an occasional sip or two of sweet tea. Nobody can make it like my Momma’s though. I pull myself from that old memory and focus on the now.

Lazz slides the water over the bar top to me while the bartenders work in a hurry, dodging around Lazz’s huge, tattooed form to get all the drinks out.

“I’m okay.” I sip the drink slowly.

“You look gorgeous tonight. So gorgeous in fact that you caused two powerful patrons to almost come to blows. That’s some bikini darling.” Lazz chuckles and I sputter with the drink at my lips before setting it back down.

“I didn’t mean to start a fight.” I wasn’t certain that was regarding me, but now that Lazz is confirming it I can’t help but delight in the distress that I must be causing Rex. But I am not happy to have drawn Lazz’s attention. I have a feeling this is the last guy you want to piss off.

“I’m just teasing you. Men are complete idiots once a beautiful lady gets involved. Trust me, I know.” He winks and I’d be lying if I said that the man wasn’t attractive.

A form-fitting black dress shirt hugs his every muscle, a couple of buttons left unbuttoned, exposing tattoos that trace up his neck. Lazz has rolled up the cuffs of his sleeves, showing off his tanned, muscular, tattooed forearms. He must have hundreds or maybe even thousands of tattoos. His long, wild brown locks are tied up into a half up half down style.

Simply put, he’s a rugged work of art.

Lazz grabs a shot glass before reaching under the bar to pull out a crystal glass decanter. The crystal seems too delicate for his massive hands but he deftly pours himself a generous shot of what I can only assume is whiskey.

He tosses the drink back before placing the items back under the bar then smiles at me radiantly. “Well, I’ve got rounds to make. You have a good night Winter. Try not to start anymore fights.” With that Lazz walks from behind the bar and disappears through a door that is hidden within the paneled wall. I marvel at the fact that I’ve never noticed it before, and I’ve been to this very bar hundreds of times during my stay. It makes me wonder how many more secrets, hidden doors, and rooms there are in this old house.

“Winter.” I turn and can’t fight my triumphant smile as I come face to face with Rex.

I guess I had expected him to leave after that little fiasco. His feathers were ruffled and if I know anything about the man, he likes things to be in order. I remember at one of my mother’s dinner parties, he had to have his cutlery lined up perfectly, and his water and wine goblets as well. I was fascinated by it. It was his way of controlling the situation, one small thing, but he had control over it.

“Governor Dean.” I flip my hair seductively over one shoulder and Rex’s eyes take me in from head to toe. No doubt appraising how hisgiftclings to my curves.