Icannot believe my shitty luck. Just when the opportunity I have waited on foryearsmagically falls into my lap, it’s yanked away just as unexpectedly.
Damn it.I shouldn’t have expected anything less. Just look at my track record.
I follow Lazzaro off the elevator and take him in as we travel down the hall toward my room. My bare feet and his combat boots are the only sounds. He’s huge and covered in tattoos. His very presence is intimidating, but it’s his easy smile that unnerves me. He is such a handsome guy, but I get the feeling he’d just as soon kill you as look at you.
“So, the Governor won you.” Not a question. He glances at me as we continue to walk the long hall. I suppose he wants an answer.
“Yeah, seems so.” I shrug my shoulders. I’m not about to share the fact that I want to destroy the man.
His eyes cut to mine as he chuckles and shakes his head at my smart-ass reply. Honestly, I’m a little on edge and I need to remember who the hell runs this place. I once watched Knox Bane, the owner of this fine establishment, knock a man out cold with one punch for yanking one of the servers down onto his lap. That guy hasn’t ever been back. Rumor has it he never made it off the Manor grounds.
“You’re a firecracker, huh? Well, Sparky, it seems our Governor took a shine to you. Just know I’d consider it a favor if you made sure to show him a good time if he comes back.”
So, this just got interesting.
“Yeah? What’s in it for me?” I ask as I flick my eyes up to him. Maybe I’m dumb for asking but I guarantee you this man doesn’t offer favors in return for nothing. Why the hell should I?
“Ah, Sparky. You learn fast, huh?” He laughs, this deep grumble of a sound, as he runs a hand over his beard. Then he stops walking and turns to look at me.
Ah,shit.I screwed up, didn’t I? Me and my big mouth pushed it too far. What the hell was I thinking? You don’t gamble when the only thing you have to lose is your life.
“How about you get to keep your room to yourself for the remainder of your time here? That’s about all I can offer you as far as perks go.”
Interesting.Relief floods me that this man isn’t about to help me meet my maker.
I don’t hate being alone.There’s no one else here that I even really spend time with, besides, Lila. Don’t get me wrong, everyone that I’ve met here has been super kind but after the shit show of my teenage years, I’ve gotten used to a sense of solitude. But really, why does Lazz think Rex would even be bothered with seeing me again? Regardless, I will still exact my revenge somehow. At least now I have a way in with Tennessee’s dear Governor once I leave here.
“Deal.” I extend my hand and Lazz takes it in his much larger one before raising it to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of my hand.
“Sealed with a kiss.” He winks at me before letting my hand go and I already know this man gets his way in pretty much everything. How could you fight him? Better yet, why would you? If it weren’t for the fact that I have a life to ruin, I might try to work my way into Lazz’s good graces and then some.
We spend the last few moments walking to my door in silence. I push my finger against the lock and the door opens, but just as I’m about to go inside, Lazz breaks our silence.
“Winter, keep the Governor happy but don’t let him walk all over you by any means. You feel me?”
I chuckle, because like hell would I ever let that happen. “Didn’t plan on it, sir.”
“Sir. Oh, I like that. Good night, Sparky.” Lazz turns and whistles as he walks away and I can’t help but watch. He’s hauntingly handsome and honestly, I’m a little unnerved by him.
I close the door behind me and head straight for the bathroom. I need a shower and I need to wash this filth off. I’ll probably have a drink or two because I’m still pissed off.
I can’t believe I was forced to make out with Rex freaking Dean.
I yank the filthy damned dress off and shove it into the clothes hamper. It should probably just go into the trash but I wasn’t provided with details on what to do with it after it’s been worn, so hamper it is.
I open the door to the large glass shower and the water automatically comes on. I adjust the settings to my preferences and step into the warm spay closing my eyes and leaning my head back under the fall of water and then I seehim.
Rex whispering to me to come on his fingers.
Rex grinding his jaw, the muscle pulsing with determination as he pumps his thick digits in and out of me in a maddening rhythm.
What the hell? I mean, I guess it’s okay to be attracted to him. I’ve always been attracted to him, haven’t I? I can’t be upset with myself for enjoying the things he did to my body. It’s normal to enjoythat. Clearly, he is an older and skilled lover. He certainly knows what he is doing.
I keep telling myself this as I wash my hair and my body. Even as my hand finds its way between my legs. It’snotbecause of him, I’m just too worked up to not have gotten a climax.