Roll toward the irrigation pond now. Roll now! Lexi slammed both fists hard into the ground, her heart pounding in her throat. She saw Judith turn toward her, her face going white.

A deadly jolt ran straight from Lexi's fists, picking up speed and strength as it raced underground toward the sinkhole. A crack opened just a few yards from the pond and continued like a lethal snake, widening as it ran toward the two men.

One had lifted his rifle, finger on the trigger, spraying the ground through the veil of water Rikki tried to keep up to protect Thomas as he rolled away from the unstable ground. The crack opened the earth below them. Both men dropped down, water pouring in on them. The crack undulated and then receded, drawing back, the ground beneath closing as if it had never opened.

Thomas! Thomas answer me! Judith cried.

Thomas rolled over and stared up at the sky, his heart pounding. He'd seen the women in action before, but each time they came together, the power seemed unbelievable. I'm fine, mi angel caido.

Lexi sank back on her heels and pressed her hand to her mouth. I'm going to be sick. I'm sorry, Judith. I didn't know what else to do.

You saved my life, little one, Thomas said. Thank you. You did the right thing. That's all five. Give me a minute and I'm heading your way, Levi.

I forgot Levi, Lexi wailed. Levi, are you all right?

I'm trailing after my four. They're trying to rendezvous with the two Maxim has left. Give me a minute. Maxim? Did you get that? Three more headed your way. They're all trying to converge on your home, Levi reported.

I see them, Maxim confirmed. Lexi, quick thinking. Thanks for keeping Thomas alive, we all owe you one. I tried to muffle the sound of gunfire coming from the back side of the property, but everyone here is on alert now.

Same with this group. I'm taking the one on the right. He's coming straight at me, Levi said. The others have passed. Lissa, can you do another flash for me. Bright and hot.

Maxim felt his heart stutter. Lissa was trapped, lying perfectly still with one of the mercenaries only a few feet from her. She was small and fit nicely beneath the shrub, but if he had looked down at his feet, he would have seen her. If she moved . . .

No problem, Levi. Count down to three. It's coming.

Maxim wanted to tell her to stop. He could only hope the man practically standing on her hand would be just as blind as the one Levi had targeted. The whip of orange and red flames danced through the sky, lashing toward the ground close to the garden, gathering energy as it snapped down toward earth. Suddenly it went white-hot, so bright the entire ground was illuminated.

Maxim cursed under his breath as the mercenary close to Lissa tore off his goggles and threw them, his hands going to his eyes.

Levi came at his target from behind, taking him fast, using his strength to break the man's neck, drop him and roll out of sight. That's two. Don't mistake me for one of them, Maxim. I'm trailing after them.

Maxim pushed his knife back into the sheath and pulled out his pistol. He was too far away from Lissa to use a silent kill. The mercenary close to her was bound to look down for his goggles.

The moment the flash of light was gone, the mercenary spun around, to look behind him. Lissa rolled out of the brush toward the man, evidently just as aware as Maxim that there was no way she could remain undetected. Her legs shot smoothly and precisely between the soldier's legs and she rolled, bringing him down. Fire raced up and over the ground, long ropes of it, wrapping around the rifle so that the mercenary had no other choice but to drop it.

Lissa's blade flashed for a moment in the moonlight and then it was gone, buried in the enemy's chest. She rolled away, coming to her hands and knees. She looked as if she might be getting sick.

Lis? Get the hell out of there, Maxim commanded, hoping his voice alone would snap her out of it.

The man's partner, a few feet ahead, swung his head around and spotted Lissa. Maxim shot him through the head twice before he toppled to the ground. The sound of the two bullets fired one after the other galvanized Lissa into action. She sprinted across the garden to the shadows of the house.

Maxim covered her as the other three men Levi was tailing burst into the garden. He beckoned to Lissa to keep running. She used him as a ladder, leaping into the air, one foot finding his hand, then his shoulder before she gained the roof.

All five down, he reported.

Not only had they built three bunkers, two of which still needed work, but they had added blinds on the rooftop as well. They hadn't had a lot of time to prepare, but they'd made the most of it.

Maxim swung onto the roof beside Lissa. Do you have a gun?

She nodded, scooting toward one of the blinds to cover the back of the house. She looked very pale, but determined.

Airiana, they're close to you. No one make a sound. Not a movement. Stay low. We're in a gun battle now. Weave the air around the bunker, make it dense and tight just in case a bullet travels that way.

If I do that, we can't help you, Airiana protested.

Maxim s

potted Thomas converging from the south. Levi came in from the west, still behind the three remaining mercenaries.

Max! Two more. Two more. They're behind the house, right behind, at the window already, Lissa hissed.

Of course. The sound of gunfire had been the signal to bring in the last of Evan's team. These two men were the elite, the ones who were not considered expendable. Evan believed they could get the job done.

Go, Levi said. Thomas and I have got this.

Maxim caught another glimpse of Levi coming up behind one of the mercenaries, locking an arm around his throat and using the man's weapon to shoot the second one as he turned. Thomas knelt and took aim on the third man, firing as the mercenary turned back, firing his rifle in an effort to kill Levi.

Levi sank his blade into the man he held as a shield. All five gone.

The moment Levi gave the report, Airiana burst from the bunker and raced for the house. There would be no stopping her. Maxim couldn't blame her either--he was feeling a bit desperate himself. Benito had a gun and he would fire it if somehow the two mercenaries managed to get through the door to the secure room in the basement, which would be nearly impossible. Still, their children were in danger.

Maxim leapt from the roof almost in front of Airiana. She skidded to a halt. He threw her a hard look, one that should have intimidated her, but he realized Airiana didn't intimidate all that easily.

Thomas is entering through the back window, right behind them, Lissa reported.

Levi is taking the front, Judith added.

We're going in through the new entrance, Maxim stated, still glaring at his errant woman.

She held out her hand for a gun. He gave her the pistol and drew his Glock, waving her to stay behind him. He went in silently, easing the door open to feel the air patterns.

They're upstairs, in the main bedroom. They're moving in standard, two-man formation, clearing every room, he told his brothers.

Please don't get blood in my bedroom, Airiana said.

You're such a girl, Thomas teased.

Maxim, can you close the door on them? In, say, that small recreation room just between the kids' rooms? Levi asked.

What are you thinking? Maxim asked.

Let them make their way there. You and Airiana close off the room and suck the air out.