She reached up to stroke his fingers and he realized she did need comfort. Talking about her birth father was difficult after all she'd been through. She had to have mixed feelings. He took her hand, his thumb sliding gently over her inner wrist in a slow caress. I'll get your tea and be right back, baby.

She nodded, and he slipped away. Her gaze collided with Jonas's.

"The man moves like a cat. Your fiance. How long have you two known each other?"

"Max? It's been about two years, on and off. He travels a lot, so we mainly corresponded at first." Airiana delivered their cover story like a pro. Her tone even held the ring of truth.

"And he's related to the children? They're from Italy."

She nodded and lowered her voice as if the children might overhear. "It was such a tragedy. Their parents and a sister were killed in a car accident. They have no other relatives, so of course Max and I will take them in. Neither of us expected a ready-made family, but we're both happy to have them."

"I see." Jonas's tone indicated he thought she was feeding him a line of bull, but the paperwork Lev and Stefan had created was impeccable. Max Walberg was the only living relative of the four children.

"Why did your father decide to kidnap you?" Jonas changed tactics. "Why not pick up the phone and call you?"

"I asked him that very same question," Airiana said. "He claimed he wanted to get to know me, but I pointed out that kidnapping me wasn't a very good beginning."

Maxim handed Airiana a cup of tea and sank into the chair beside her. "Solovyov believed a man by the name of Evan Shackler-Gratsos had sent his men to kidnap her. He's a billionaire. He inherited everything from his brother, but prior to that he was the head of a worldwide motorcycle gang. He's suspected of murder, drug and human trafficking as well as arms dealing."

"How would you know all that?" Jonas asked.

"I worked, until a few days ago, for the government, and we were tracking Shackler-Gratsos." He was careful not to say which government. "We were tipped off by a man deep in his organization that he was planning to grab Airiana, so we were already rushing to protect her. Her father's men got to her before Shackler-Gratsos."

Airiana gave a delicate little shiver. "It was very disconcerting to know that my own father had arranged to have me kidnapped. And amazing to have Max be the one to come to my rescue."

"How handy that you knew each other ahead of time," Jonas said, without managing to sound sarcastic. He flicked a glance at Airiana, who calmly took a sip of tea and regarded him with a small smile.

"Isn't it though? I was lucky that he recognized my name and immediately found me. I think if Theodotus had managed to get me to Russia, I would never have gotten home."

"Where did Max find you?" Jonas prompted.

"I was on a yacht just off the coast of Mexico. My birth father told me his idea was to take the yacht to Colombia, using the time for us to get to know each other, and there would be a private plane waiting to take us to Russia."

"What happened to your face? And your feet," Jonas added with a little frown.

Maxim liked him better for that frown. Clearly the sheriff was not a man who liked seeing bruises on a woman.

"There was a Russian aboard, a man named Gorya. I think he was the steward. I had already cut my feet on a glass Theodotus threw--he was a little angry with me--and I went out on the deck to get away from him. Gorya and I got into an altercation and he punched me." She consolidated the attacks, one from Gorya and the other from Sorbacov's assassins.

"He didn't just punch her," Maxim added. "She has bruises all over where he kicked her as well."

"Why would he do that?" Damon asked, looking shocked. "He dared to touch the daughter of Theodotus Solovyov? That could get him imprisoned."

"Or killed," Jonas added, looking at Maxim.

"I was very uncooperative."

Jonas frowned. "I don't understand. Did they expect you would want to go to Russia after being kidnapped?"

Airiana sighed and put her teacup down. "They wanted me to do something for them. They expected me to do it. If I didn't cooperate, my father indicated, although he didn't say it outright, I would be forced."

"And this Gorya was their enforcer?"

Airiana shrugged, unwilling to lie outright. Misleading using the truth is one thing, but I've never been good at lying.

You're doing great, honey. And you aren't lying. That's exactly what your father expected from you.

Airiana pressed her thumb into the center of her palm as if her palm itched. Jonas's gaze immediately followed that small, subtle motion. Maxim couldn't help but admire the man. He was good at his job. More, Maxim was certain his sheriff's job wasn't where he'd gotten his training.

"Why had you suddenly contacted me, Damon? We lived in the same town for a long while, yet you never came near me." Airiana suddenly went on the attack. "Did you expect me to believe that on the very day I was kidnapped by Theodotus Solovyov for his government it was just a coincidence that you made an appointment to see me?"

"What I have to talk to you about is of vital importance," Damon said, "but it is also classified and I can't discuss it with anyone else present."

"That's really too bad. I have no interest in anything classified or anything my fiance can't hear. Are there any other questions you need answered, Jonas? The children will be waking up soon."

Maxim could have told her Benito was already awake and listening to every word.

"You're putting me in an awkward position," Damon said.

"I know. I'm sorry, but I can't help you."

"Can't? Or won't?"

Airiana let her breath. "I don't know. Is the threat real?"

Damon shoved his hand through his hair. "I can say, in the abstract, that yes, it is. I could use your help."

Before Airiana could reply, Maxim put his hand over hers, to stop her. "If she agreed to try to help you, would your government help in any way possible with her protection? Give us license to do the things necessary here at her home to protect her family? You know as well as I do, that if she does this thing, she'll be a target."

I'm already a target.

So why not get what we need with the government's approval. If we give them a list and they agree to everything, you'll know just how valuable you really are to them.

Airiana couldn't breathe with the rush of adrenaline pouring through her veins. To work again. To talk to people who could brainstorm with her. The thought was just as intoxicating as it was frightening. She could get caught up in that life all over again and neglect the people she loved.

"I have Max. And the children. They need me."

"We can reduce your work hours, and a good part of it can be done from your home once it is secure," Damon said. "I'm certain you'll have every cooperation to make you and your family safe."

Airiana bit her lip. She glanced at Maxim. "I have to think about it, Damon. I was being honest with you when I told you I didn't know if I could help you. It's been a long time since I've done any work."

"On paper maybe, but in your head . . ." Damon trailed off.

"If I do this, Max has to come with me as my bodyguard."

"No." Not from Damon, but from Jonas. "He can't."

Damon shook his head. "Jonas, anything is doable. We'll make it work. She's too important to my work to close any doors."

"I don't care what his paperwork says, Damon. I don't care if the investigators pronounce him American of the year. He's Russian and his loyalties are to Russia."

"I have no ties to Russia," Maxim stated. "Every bridge is burned. I brought Airiana home. My loyalties are to her."

Jonas jumped to his feet and paced across the floor. "I can trust your word because I know who you are, but not for my country's security. Airiana, you have to understand, no one, not even you, can take that chance."

"I am Max Walberg, a citizen of the United States. We're going to be married as soon as possible and this will be my home. I'm becoming a father to

four children and hope to have many more of my own, but above all, I will see to Airiana's protection."

"That's the deal, Jonas," Airiana said. "Apparently my father is a famous Russian physicist. If you question Max's loyalty, you're going to have to question mine."

Jonas swore and turned away from them to stare out the window. "Do you have any idea how complicated this situation is becoming? The Drakes are all returning. With them will come Elle and Jackson. Now this. I feel like I'm walking through a damn minefield."

"He's going to make another try for her, Harrington," Maxim said softly, watching the man. His hand was never far from his weapon and the sheriff knew it, but it hadn't stopped him from expressing his frustration.