"I'm an adult, not a child," she reminded. "I have no intention of being bullied into working for any country, Russia or the United States. I haven't done that kind of work in years nor do I have any intention of doing so."

"How dare you throw away your mind. You were put here to serve a greater purpose. You don't just decide not to use the kind of genius you have because you don't want to anymore. That isn't your choice to make. Do you think I wanted to be Theodotus Solovyov?" His voice swelled, and he smashed his fist over his heart dramatically. "No. I wanted a simple life, but I was given genius and I use it for the good of my country."

Airiana nodded as if in agreement. "I can see that you're very passionate about your work, but I won't help you. I won't. I haven't worked on that project since my mother was killed."

"You live in the same vicinity as Damon Wilder. Did you think we wouldn't keep tabs on you?"

"As my father? Or as a physicist? And who is 'we'? The Russian government?"

"Both as your father and as a loyal patriot. I think you need to go rest. There isn't anything more to say, Airiana. I certainly hope you think about this and come to the right conclusion that you're better off with people who love you and can protect you."

Airiana let out her breath slowly. She was better off with people who loved her. Theodotus wasn't one of them. She honestly didn't think he was a bad person, but his work definitely consumed him and he had lost his research data. He needed her to help him recover his work. She was certain of that. This wasn't about saving her, although her father had certainly done that--she couldn't pretend he hadn't--but he had reasons other than paternal love.

"Why now, Theodotus? What's happening that I don't know about that has made everyone suddenly come looking for me? The man who owns that shipping company, the one who hired Maxim to kidnap me in the first place with his other goons, he really went to great lengths to acquire me. Damon Wilder was on his way to visit me for the first time. We've never so much as exchanged more than a hello. And you. After all these years, you've suddenly come looking. What is it you all think I can give you?"

Theodotus suddenly smiled, visibly relaxing. "You do have a superior brain, my little Airi. You inherited the best of your parents. I should have known that in spite of being under duress, you would still begin to figure things out."

He poured himself another drink, ignoring the shards of glass scattered across the Persian rug, and turned back to her, beaming. He saluted her with the glass. "You will be such an asset to me, my daughter. To my work. To our work. You are needed, and having you by my side, working with me, we'll be able to sort this problem out in no time."

"You haven't told me the problem," Airiana pointed out, infusing her voice with curiosity. The truth was, she couldn't help but wonder why all the sudden interest in her.

If she could read Theodotus, she was certain Maxim could as well, but still, she was certain her father wouldn't continue with Maxim in the room if he thought too much about it. His work was always shrouded in secrecy.

Right now he was trying to impress Airiana, and keep her interested, certain she really was like him and her brain would need to figure out whatever puzzle he had for her. Having Maxim close allowed him two things. First, he believed his daughter had bonded with her "savior" and was grateful to him to be alive. Second, should she continue to balk, Theodotus was certain he could rely on Maxim to keep her in line.

The very scary thing was--he was right. Already her mind was going over her old project, building on it, as it had for the last several years. She had stopped working on it with others, but there had been no real way to stop. She wasn't all that different from Solovyov--her brain demanded work and once set in a direction, she couldn't stop the need to continue.

Theodotus went to the bar again. "Is there something I can get you, Airi?"

She winced. No one had called her Airi but her mother. She didn't like Theodotus calling her by the name her mother did. Sometimes, on the farm, the others shortened her name to Airia, but never Airi. In some ways his calling her by her mother's preferred nickname reinforced the idea that he was her father--Marina would have referred to her that way.

"Water, if you don't mind. And if you can get it for me, a cup of hot tea with milk." She tried to sound friendlier. She didn't want to be locked up.

"Of course. Tea. Marinochka loved her tea. I should have remembered." Now that Airiana appeared more cooperative, Theodotus was in a jovial mood. He called for hot tea and poured her water.

Handing her the glass, he raised his own. "To us. May we be the ones to solve this problem." She saluted him and took a small sip of water, watching him carefully.

Maxim hadn't moved a muscle, almost disappearing into the background. She realized it was a gift of his, fading his presence, using air to blur himself so that one could barely comprehend he was around. She was utterly aware of him at all times, even to the point that she knew every breath he drew. His gift didn't work on her, but she knew Theodotus had nearly forgotten his presence.

"Your wonderful idea, the saving of our planet using weather patterns, was quite brilliant, Airiana. Your study was mainly of the ice floes, but to be able to see a problem developing and stop it before the damage was too extensive had merit. You pointed out how it could be used against hurricanes and tornadoes, both caused by weather. Have you continued to work through your theories?"

"It's easy enough to see patterns developing," Airiana said. She hadn't spoken to anyone in years about her ideas and the temptation was nearly overwhelming. "I've thought about it, of course," she conceded, knowing he wouldn't believe her if she didn't admit at least that much, "but of course I stopped working on it long ago."

"I was able to take the rudiments of your earlier ideas and use them for a greater purpose. Can you imagine using the weather itself as a defense against an attack by other countries? You wouldn't need weapons of mass destruction that would ruin the planet for hundreds--perhaps thousands of years." Theodotus sank into his chair and leaned toward her eagerly.

Airiana closed her eyes briefly. She had known all along that both Russia and the United States had probably twisted what she considered changing the world for the better into some kind of weapon. She'd been a child with a giant's mind, playing in a playroom and believing she could make the world a better place. No matter what kinds of ideas she came up with to help the planet and help countries with droughts and severe weather, of course those things had been twisted to make them destructive.

"Why the sudden interest in me," she persisted. "If you completed your work, you don't need me."

"My work was stolen by my bitch of a wife when she tried to have me killed," Theodotus admitted. "I've re-created some of it."

Airiana's heart began to beat faster. "That's not the problem though, is it? With time you'd figure it out without me. Why am I here?"

"It didn't work. It never worked. And it should have."

She frowned. "Of course it worked. The patterns are so easy to spot. Anyone could see them and create new ones, it isn't at all difficult . . ." she trailed off when Theodotus's face grew dark and looked like thunder.

You're an air element, Maxim reminded. Weather is part of air. You see the patterns easily because you're bound to air.

It's all about numbers.

No, it's all about being bound to air, Maxim corrected. He can study weather patterns and make an educated guess, just like everyone else, but he can't see them. There's a big difference.

"We need you to figure out why this defense system isn't working," Theodotus said. "We've used computers to compile the data on the weather and we still can't make it work. There's been a threat to our country and we have to know we can defend ourselves from such an attack."

Airiana sat up straighter. "What do you mean, a threat? What kind of threat?"

"We received an impossible demand and with it a computer simulation of weather being used to destroy our cities. Hurricanes and tornadoes. Droughts."


nbsp; "In other words, your defense system against other countries." It took great effort not to glance at Maxim. There was a bad taste in her mouth she couldn't get rid of. She was beginning to be very afraid. Damon Wilder had called to talk to her right before she'd been kidnapped. Had the United States received a similar threat?

A knock at the door sent her heart pounding. Theodotus called out an order, and a man entered with a tray, carrying a small teapot and cup. As the door opened, from her line of vision, she caught a glimpse of three men, heavily armed. They looked nervous, and one glanced inside--not at her--and not at Theodotus. He seemed to be looking for someone else.

Click. Click. The pieces began to fall into place. She'd been wrong all along, thinking Theodotus had viewed Maxim as brainless muscle and was willing to talk in front of him. He was talking openly because Maxim wasn't going to leave the room alive. That bad taste in her mouth got worse. Theodotus had offered Maxim a drink, even insisted he drink. When he'd steadfastly refused, he'd taken the bottle of Scotch and placed it under the bar, taking a new bottle to pour himself a drink.

You're part of the deal, Maxim. All this, the yacht, the luxury, the submarine, it was all provided for him so he could use you to get to me and then kill you. There are three heavily armed men outside, maybe more, and they aren't there for me. Theodotus betrayed you and your brother.

The man, dressed all in white, set the tray carefully on the table beside her chair and poured the tea in the cup for her, adding milk. She couldn't help but notice that he looked around the room for Maxim. He had to look twice before he saw him standing just behind the chair she was sitting in.

I knew the moment I saw this yacht that there had to be someone else's hand in all of this, honey, he answered, his voice as steady as ever. Sorbacov was very powerful when I was a child attending his schools, but his sins have caught up with him. His son wants his crimes swept under the carpet, so to speak. We're part of that shameful past. I knew they had already put hits out on some of my brothers. We're their biggest threat. It was only a matter of time. The moment Theodotus offered me a drink of Scotch and so cleverly switched bottles, I knew he was a part of it.

Your brother saved Theodotus's life at a great cost to himself. You came to help him when your brother passed on the threat to me, and yet he still betrayed you. I want to push him overboard.

She did. She really wanted to shove Theodotus into the cold seawater and just leave him there. He had strung her mother along for years, and dumped her when Marina was no longer passing him information he could use in his work. Now, after Maxim had helped him, he was willing to sacrifice him as well.