"Damon, I'll work with you," Airiana decided. "But from here on the farm. I'll put together a secure room. That way I know Max can watch over the children at the same time he's watching over me. I've got four children who need someone to guide them. That has to be my first priority, but I'll do the best that I can to help you."

Damon nodded. "Thank you, Airiana. I know it isn't easy thinking about coming back after all that has happened. I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't important. Even if Shackler-Gratsos doesn't have the work completed, it would be nice to have a countermeasure in place just in case it ever happens."

"I'll give you a list of supplies we'll need," Maxim said. "To beef up security around the farm."

"When do you think Evan is going to strike at you again?" Jonas asked.

"He won't wait long. He can't. He has to know either Russia or the United States is going to protect her. Even with a good team of experienced mercenaries, he'll know his chances of acquiring her will go down drastically if we have her under wraps," Maxim said.

"I'll make a few calls," Damon added. "My people will come out and secure a room for you to work in. Do you have any ideas where you want your workroom set up?"

She glanced at Maxim. "I have one. There's a basement below us, in the ground actually. It's like a big bunker. I wipe it clean every now and then just in case."

Damon gasped. "You destroy your work? Are you crazy? Airiana, you have one of the greatest minds on the planet. It was bad enough that you hid yourself away, but to have been working all this time and periodically wiping it out is just insane."

"I refuse to make weapons for anyone. I want to do something about children starving to death. I don't want to send a hurricane to Italy or Greece or tornadoes to the Middle East just because I don't like their politics."

For the first time Damon actually looked excited. "I'd love to see what you've been working on. Talking to you would be . . ." He trailed off, looking at his brother-in-law. He gave a little shrug. "Sarah is great and she understands me, and Libby's husband, Tyson, listens, but Airiana actually thinks like I do."

"She doesn't want to make weapons, Wilder," Maxim pointed out.

"Neither do I, although I do see the need to protect our country."

"You work for the Defense Department," Maxim said. "One would think they would expect you to come up with weapons for them."

I understand what he means. Sometimes my brain goes into hyperdrive and I can't slow it down and I make myself crazy trying to stop it. Having someone else to talk to, someone like me, could be wonderful. I loved the school I was in for that reason. I was surrounded by others who continually thought up new and exciting ideas and how to implement them.

Yeah. He got that. He didn't have to like it though. He wanted to be her--everything. He didn't want her to have to need anyone else, not even for her peace of mind--especially not for her peace of mind. He nodded slowly. She would spend a lot of time with Damon Wilder and they'd have long, animated conversations she would never be able to have with him.


There it was again. Her soft voice, just saying his name in that tone. So much love washing over and through him with just one word. His gaze jumped to hers. He sank into the blue sky. There were no drifting clouds, only the intensity of her love. His heart reacted like it always did, a slow somersault that left his throat raw.

You'll be with us. Remember. You're my bodyguard. I won't do this if you don't want me to. You're far more important to me. The children are more important. I learned the hard way about the things in life that matter. That's you. The children. My sisters and Levi and Thomas. All of us here. I don't need to do this.

She was so generous in her love and trust of him. All along he had wanted her to show him what love was. Real love. There it was laid out in a neat gift-wrapped package for him. She would give up the thing that made her mind calm. He felt her excitement at the opportunity to work with a man like Damon Wilder, but because he might be uncomfortable with it, she was ready to say forget it. That was love. How could he show her less?

Maxim shook his head and leaned down to brush a kiss across the top of her head. You work with this man, baby. It will help you when you think your mind is too chaotic. I want you to do it. I'll be with you every step of the way. When the talk gets too boring, I'll go play with the kids.

Airiana burst out laughing. You're just trying to get me to underestimate you, Max. I'm fairly certain you'll be able to understand most things, if not everything we say. How do I know this? Because you understood the concept when Theodotus was talking to me. You didn't need any explanation and you grasped the severity of the situation immediately. You can pretend you don't understand, but my guess is, beneath all that rough warrior skin lies a brain much like mine.

Maxim nodded. "So bring in your people to secure her workroom immediately. I'll get the list of supplies to you by noon. I want to consult with Levi and Thomas first just to make certain I'm not overlooking anything."

Jonas made a sound of pure derision. "The urchin diver and the art gallery owner? They'd know all about security, now wouldn't they?"

"Jonas, that was so sarcastic," Airiana reprimanded. "You know very well both Levi and Thomas know this farm better than Max could possibly know it." She raised her gaze to Damon's. "Now that I have children, and won't be helping out so much on the farm, we'll need to talk salaries."


MAXIM woke with the moonlight pouring through the bedroom window. Beside him, Airiana's eyes snapped open and she glanced out the window as well. He felt the instant tension run through her body. He put a hand on her to keep her calm. Siena and Nicia had both climbed into the bed and he didn't want them to wake up and cry.

He sat up slowly, making certain not to shift his weight too fast and risk waking the two little girls. Lucia lay on the floor wrapped in a blanket a few feet from Airiana's side of the bed while Benito lay on his side. He hadn't expected all four children to be joining them at night--every night. They definitely needed a sign as well as a lock on the door or they'd never get any privacy in the bedroom.

During the day the children spent their time with Judith doing art projects or Lexi on the tractor or inside the greenhouse. Benito hung out with the men and Lissa trying to learn everything as fast as he could about weapons and turning his body into a weapon. The boy was like a sponge, soaking up every bit of information as fast as he could. He learned quickly to be respectful of Lissa's skills. Maxim had learned respect for her as well, although he still knew little about her.

Daytime was the only time Maxim could sneak off with Airiana and seduce her. Fortunately there were many places on the farm they could go and be undiscovered. Their house was just not one of them. True to his word, Damon had men rebuilding Airiana's workspace, making it soundproof and totally secure. Maxim was going to be very grateful for that room if the children insisted on sleeping with them every night.

He didn't have the heart to force them to go back to their own rooms once they showed up. All of them suffered terrible nightmares, particularly Nicia. She seemed to do better when she was close to him. Lucia and Siena clung to Airiana. Benito was Maxim's shadow. He'd even had to take the boy aside and give him "the talk" about how he needed alone time once in a while with Airiana. That had bought him a few small reprieves, but Benito seemed to need to be as close as possible to him too.

They're here, Max.

I know, baby. We'll be fine. Everyone knows what to do. Levi and Thomas will know, just as you do. Lissa too. Thomas will get word to Lexi and Blythe. Let's get the children to safety.

His one concern was Benito. The boy had a burning thirst for revenge and he had taken very seriously to heart the lecture Maxim had given him--particularly the part about protecting his family. Maxim woke him first. He put a finger to his lips.

"They've come for Airiana, just like we figured they would. I need you to help me take the girls down to the safety of the secure room. It's been ready for a few days

, and Airiana's work is put away." She'd been locking it up to be safe in case they needed the room for the children.

"I'm ready," Benito whispered.

He not only looked ready, but eager as well. Maxim nodded. "Good. Once we're down there, I'm going to lock you in with the girls . . ."

"No. No way. I'm coming with you. I can shoot a gun."

"Right, you can. I need you to protect the girls. I can't do it, Benito, so I'm counting on you. I'm giving you a pistol, but if you leave that room, you'll leave them unprotected. I have to know I can rely on you."

Benito's face was a study in war. Part of him believed Maxim and the other part was certain he was being tucked away somewhere safe while the enemy came.

"I don't have time to argue. Either you're going to help me with this or you're not. I'm counting on you to be a man." Maxim pushed a whip of command in his voice, as well as a touch of impatience.

Benito squared his shoulders. "You can count on me. No one will get through that door to take them again."

Maxim nodded in approval. "I'm going to take the two little ones down the stairs. Watch my back for me. Let Airiana and Lucia down in front of you."

Benito pushed out his chest. "You got it."

Maxim nodded to Airiana and she gently woke Lucia while he scooped up the two younger girls. They moved together as a group through the house, in darkness, down the stairs to the basement below. No one spoke, but Lucia's breathing was too fast.

Maxim settled the two younger girls on one of the loveseats in the corner of the room where Airiana liked to put her feet up and stare off into space, presumably thinking. More often than not, they ended up making love, which he told her gave her even more to think about.

He caught Lucia's hands and looked into her eyes. "No one is going to hurt you or the girls or Benito again. You'll be safe here. Don't panic. You didn't panic on the ship, and there are a lot more of us to stop them this time. Just sit down here and read a book or try to sleep. Benito will shoot anyone coming through the door if they don't identify themselves properly."

She took a deep breath and nodded. "I want a gun too, Max."