Page 25 of Liberty


She was staring ahead.

A man stood at the door to the resort, facing us.

“Libby!” he called out.

“No.” Libby shook her head. “No, no, no.”

“Libby! Who is that?”

“That’s…that’s my ex.”

I looked up as the guy came toward us. He was shorter than me, thin, blond.

I could take him in a fight if I had to.

He ignored me, looking at Libby. “Wow. You look really beautiful.”

She sighed. “What do you want, Ryan?”

“I’ve been texting you nonstop. Why haven’t you answered? I’ve been apologizing for the last three days.”

She shrugged. “I’ve been having fun here. I haven’t really thought about my phone at all.”

I smiled.

She was following the rules.

Ryan glanced at me, then back at her. “Listen, I know I was pretty rough on you toward the end. I see that now, and I want to make up for it.”

“Make up for it? Ryan, that ship has sailed. We’re done.” Libby shook her head. “You had your chance. A lot of them. I let you walk all over me for way too long.”

“What? Libby, c’mon. I can change, baby. You know I can. I’ll change for you.”

“Why did it take this long for you to realize you can change for me?” Libby frowned. “We had so many fights about how you treated me. And now you’re trying to come crawling back, and it’s not gonna work. I can do better than you.”

She gave me a little squeeze.

I felt proud.

But Ryan didn’t like that answer. His hand shot out and he grabbed Libby by the wrist. “What the fuck, Libby! I drove all day to get here!”

Libby shouted.

I moved forward, grabbing Ryan by his shirt and lifting him off his feet.

Ryan let her go of her, looking at me in shock. “What the fuck, dude?”

“She said no. I suggest you keep your hands off her.”

“Who the hell are you? You can’t tell me what to do!”

“You sure about that?” I put him back on his feet, but held him, grabbing for my phone. I hit a button and made a call. “I need security to the front doors. I’ve got a guy here trying to get violent with a lady, and I want his ass off my resort.”

I hung up without waiting for a reply, glaring at Ryan.

He looked scared.