I took a sip of my beer. I’d probably have another before I called it a night. It would help me sleep, help me stop thinking about Libby and how quickly she’d run off on me.
And then my phone rang.
“Dammit.” I turned and went inside, grabbing it. “Cooper here.”
“Cooper, hey.” Brendan, our night shift clerk, sounded apologetic. “I hope I’m not waking you up.”
“No, I was still up. What’s going on?”
“Uh, 212 called. Their toilet is spewing water everywhere.”
212. Libby and Kylee.
These girls were going to be a headache.
“Sure. I’ll be right there, okay? Just gotta get my tools.”
“Thanks, Cooper. You’re a hero.”
I chuckled. Of course I was.
A few minutes later, I knocked on their door. Libby answered, dressed in pajamas and clearly panicking. “Cooper?”
“Hey. What’s going on with the toilet?”
“I don’t know! Kylee went in there and then she started yelling and…”
She gestured to the floor. Water was spilling out of the bathroom into the main area.
I sighed.
“You two pack up. I’ll get you moved to another room. Let me get this to stop running and I’ll make the call.”
She nodded and smiled. “Thank you! Okay, I’ll let you get to work!”
I couldn’t stay upset with her. She was too adorable.
I went into the bathroom. Kylee had left it to go pack her suitcase again. I could hear both girls talking while they worked.
I turned the water off to the toilet and grabbed the snake. It was clean, at least.
But then I looked closer.
There was something down there, half-flushed.
I groaned and pulled on a glove before reaching in.
I pulled out a handful of white lace. Holding it up over the sink, I chuckled.
Lacy thong panties.
The sight took my mind to a good place—Libby, on my bed, only wearing these.
I wrapped them in a towel and came out into the room. “Fixed the problem.”
“What was it?” Libby asked. “Did we do something stupid again?”
I opened the towel. “These ended up in the toilet somehow.”