‘Just had a weird call from two separate fishermen.’

My brain cleared in an instant; I knew what she was going to say next. She continued, ‘They’re reporting a submarine in Chrome Bay.’

My heart gave a hard thump. I knew Port Chatham Bay but not Chrome Bay; its name gave me the chills becauseit had to be the stretch of water closest to the mine. The mine that was now rubble. The presence of the sub made me certain the MIB were here and they were playing their A game.

‘Thanks, April. Can you get the fishermen to keep an eye on it and let us know if it moves out?’

‘Sure thing.’

‘Great, thanks. Are Sidnee or Gunnar in yet?’

‘Not yet. Everyone was exhausted. Sidnee said she’d be in an hour late.’

‘Okay, thank you. I’ll be in soon.’

‘See you later.’ She hung up.

I collapsed back onto the pillow. The submarine wasn’t urgent; if anything, it merely confirmed what we already thought, that the black ops MIB team were here. Where they went, their sub was sure to follow, like Mary’s underwater Little Lamb. We didn’t have the firepower or manpower to tackle a freaking submarine, so for now I’d take the most sensible course of action: ignore it. The fishermen would keep an eye on it and report if it moved out. That was all we could do for the moment.

Connor sighed. With his vampiric hearing, he’d heard April’s side of the phone call too. ‘You were right. It’s the MIB.’

I sighed, too. ‘Yup. Sometimes I hate being right.’

Asan answer, he pulled me in tight and I melted against him. Things were just starting to heat up when a ten-kilo cat landed in the middle of us. ‘Oof,’ Connor grunted.

I slid him a glance. ‘Did you happen to get up and feed him, perchance?’



To add to it, Fluffy heard our voices, came in, sat next to Connor’s side of the bed and whined pointedly.

Shadow was trying to sneak under the covers between us. I sighed and lifted up the blankets. His fur tickling my legs, he crawled down to my feet then turned around and came back up. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked him, but his raspy purr was the only response as he lay down sideways in between us, forcing us apart. I, of course, got Shadow’s arse in my face.

Connor laughed. ‘He likes me more,’ he teased.

‘He’s angry with me for not leaping up instantly to feed him,’ I groused. I flipped the covers off and slipped my feet into my furry slippers. Shadow was now lying on Connor’s chest demanding cheek rubs and ear scratches.

Fluffy jumped up and took my warm spot. I scowled at him. ‘Traitor.’ His tail tapped in response, making me grin.

I left the bedroom and went into Connor’s kitchen to raid his cupboards. My heart warmed as I opened the cabinets and fridge: I loved that he always had cat and dog food these days.

I put Shadow’s special ground meat into a bowl and warmed it. When the microwave beeped, he came flying out of the bedroom. Next I filled Fluffy’s bowls and set them down; unlike Shadow, he didn’t instantly appear when he heard me.

Part of me wanted to go back to bed – preferably with Connor – but work was already tugging at me. We needed to tackle this MIB splinter group pronto. Even so, I took the time to heat some blood for me and Connor, then turned on the kettle that had mysteriously appeared in the house one day. Carrying the mug of blood into the bedroom, I paused to take in the sight of Connor talking quietly to Fluffy like he was a human. I couldn’t have loved that man more.

He caught sight of me, gooey eyes and all, and smiled. ‘Hey.’

‘Hey. I brought you some blood.’

‘So I can smell. Thank you.’ He took the mug gratefully and drank it down with relish. ‘You go ahead and jump in the shower. I’ll makebreakfast.’

I sent him my best seductive smile. ‘I’d rather not eat and have you join me.’

His eyes darkened. ‘Temptress,’ he complained. He shook his head. ‘You need fuel. I’m predicting another long day.’

I sighed. ‘Mr Sensible. I expect you’re right. Later?’ I asked hopefully. ‘Raincheck?’