So he wasn't an abusive asshole just an inconsiderate one. ‘Come on, let’s go into the living room and work this out.’

‘He left me!’ She started sobbing again.

I stifled a sigh. Was this what I’d spent nine weeks at the academy for? It wasn’t police work, it was social work – but then again, the two were often intertwined. I softened my voice. ‘Hayleigh, he regrets it deeply. Let’s talk to him.’

Hayleigh looked up then wiped away the tears with her sleeve and stood. Some hiccups followed, but they had stopped by the time we entered the living room. Her facewas blotchy but her eyes had a hopeful light that I hoped was warranted. If Ray fucked this up now, it was on him.

I led her to sit across from her husband. ‘This little fiasco is because you two need to communicate. Ray says he gave you an ultimatum and followed through. It was a stupid thing to do and he accepts that now. Don’t you?’ I slid a fierce glare at Ray.

He nodded frantically.

‘Good. Ray screwed up. He’s sorry.’ I looked sternly at him. ‘Tell her what you told us.’

He blanched, leaned forward and stared at his hands, which he was rapidly clasping and unclasping. He looked up at Hayleigh then back down again.

‘I’m sorry, Haze, I–I just felt like you didn’t care about me. You only cared about your books and those sexy primal animals. I thought maybe if I left, it would make you realise you had your own one at home. You didn’t seem to miss me but I – I really missed you. I couldn’t stand being away from you so I watched you from out there in my bear skin, just to check on you. I swear I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.’

Hayleigh’s mouth hung open for a beat. ‘Ray! Why didn’t you just come back home?’ Her voice softened. ‘I’ve missed you so much.’

His head shot up. ‘You have?’

Shestood up and threw herself at her husband. He caught her and there was a lot of mumbling and kissing; when things got a bit gropey, it was definitely time for us to leave.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. ‘We’ll see ourselves out.’

Sidnee grinned as she stood up. ‘Our work here is done.’

The couple ignored us. I cleared my throat more loudly so that they would look at me then I said firmly, ‘We don’t want to be called back here. Work your shit out – and get a dog.’ I addressed that last part to Hayleigh.

Hands clasped, they smiled at us. ‘Thank you, Fanged Flopsy!’ Hayleigh beamed at me.

Oh boy. It almost hurt not to roll my eyes. ‘You’re welcome.’ I nodded at Fluffy, and Sidnee. ‘Let’s go.’ I hoped that the couple could work it out and be happy together. Stupid decisions led to weird shit in this town.

Back in the Nomo vehicle, Sidnee said, ‘That was weird but sort of … cute,’

‘Yeah. At least there was no nantinaq or beast from beyond, and I like an easy case we can cross off. It makes me feel like an achiever.’

‘True. Maybe I’ll write a book about all the crazy stuff around here, call it nonfiction and see what kind of reaction I get.’

‘You’ll get a visit from the MIB,’ I warned darkly.

She perked right up, ‘Oooh, speaking of sexy former MIB officers—’

‘We really weren’t,’ I interrupted, amused.

Sidnee blithely ignored me. ‘I’ve got a date tomorrow night with Thomas!’

I put the SUV in gear and backed out of the driveway. ‘Really? Things are moving along?’


‘He’s so careful of me. I get it, I know I’m a mess. Part of me is terrified, and the other part wants to climb that man like a tree.’

I grinned. ‘Listen, only you can decide where you want to go.’

‘I know.’ She grimaced. ‘After the whole Chris mess, I just… I don’t really trust myself. My judgement, you know?’

I did know, but Thomas was different. ‘Thomas isn’t Chris. He’s a good man underneath all the weaponry. He isn’t dealing drugs, he’s a pillar of the community and a council member. And he is so gentle with you.’ I paused. ‘So loving.’