‘Why didn’t you tell me I looked like the walking dead?’ I spat out.

He laughed again. ‘I hate to be the one to break it to you, Toots, but youarethe walking dead.’

Good point, well made.

I turned on the jets then jumped in too fast and was hit by ice-cold water. I shrieked and danced in place until it warmed up then hurriedly scrubbed my face. Connor waited until the water was hot then climbed in behind me and snaked his arm around my waist. Since my face was covered in soap and my eyes were tightly closed, I squeaked at the contact.

I turned in his arms to face him. ‘I’m not allowed to party anymore,’ I said seriously. ‘Make a note. No more parties for Bunny.’

He looked amused. ‘We both know you’re not going to stick to that.’

We did. ‘What happened after I danced for you?’

His body tensed. ‘You don’t want to know, trust me.’

I buried my face in his torso and groaned. ‘I have to know. Hit me.’

‘Well, you started on shots after the cocktails and there might have been a repeat of the table-dancing incident.’ He paused. ‘I stopped you when you started to undress.’

‘Oh God, did I flash anyone?’ He went quiet. ‘I did, didn’t I?’

‘They only saw a flash of your bra before I got to you.’

I threw back my head and groaned. ‘Fuck! I’ll never be able to show my face in town again!’

‘No, I think that’s Sidnee.’

I looked up at him startled. ‘What?’

He ran his hands over my waist and the curve of my hips to draw me closer. ‘Well, she took the mic after you abandoned it and started professing her love for Thomas. It got a bit … heated.’ He leaned down to kiss me, trying to start the shower loving I’d promised him.

‘What does that mean?’ I demanded, pushing him away slightly.

‘Let’s just say Thomas scooped her up and took her away to his house.’

I groaned for her. ‘She’ll be so mad at herself.’

‘I don’t know – she and Thomas finally seemed to be on the same page.’

‘Well, that’s something.’

I put Sidnee out of my mind as I sank into his kiss. The heat in my core rose as our lips parted and our tonguesmet. I was scorching hot even when he pressed my back up against the cold marble of the shower wall.

I loved waking up at Connor’s house, even when I was more hungover than a shirt on a washing line.

Chapter 39

I wished Fluffy could be with us but Connor was right: it was too much of an unknown and we didn’t need his nose for this. It was better he was safe at home, keeping a watch on Shadow who had made it his mission to scare me half to death at least once a day. I didn’t need to worry about my animals for now – and April had promised to take care of them if something happened to me and Connor. You had to think of these things when you were heading into a gun battle.

I dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt and my Xtra-Tuf boots. With the mud and cold rain, I needed the ugly things, and anyway they were comfortable even if they were a sin against all things fashion.

I added my rain jacket to my ensemble before Connor and I headed out to get the doughnuts and meet our motley crew. This time I’d been smart enough to order doughnuts for us as well; I hated smelling them when they were fresh and not eating one. Besides, it might be our lastmeal. I reached into the box on my lap and pulled out a large, glazed one that was still warm to the touch.

We piled into the SUV; it was a tight fit, but hey, you should always carpool when you can. Even if it’s a ride to your possible death.

‘Want one?’ I asked the others with my mouth full. I’d started to eat before I remembered to offer. My mum would have been mortified.

Connor held out his hand, and I gave him a doughnut. He’d been smart enough to make me a thermos of tea and I took a sip. Heaven.