‘We need to work on your self-esteem,’ I muttered. ‘I can’t let Thomas do our job. I’m going to get the SUV and drive up there.’
‘Okay, I’m going with you.’
I didn’t argue; she had as much right to kick butt as I did – and she was starting to look worried now that Thomas had disappeared. ‘Fine.’
We hurried back to the car park with Fluffy and Shadow following dutifully, piled into the SUV and roared out of the mine car park. I headed out to the road and turned left. Initially I’d thought I was scared, but now I realised that I was angry, deeply angry at everything the MIB and the black ops group were doing to my friends, my town and me.
I floored the accelerator and clumps of mud flew up behind me.
Thomas stepped out of the woods beside the tree that Shadow and I had climbed. I slammed on the brakes, but the combination of the sleet and mud sent the car careening.
Chapter 30
I wrestled the vehicle back under control, narrowly missing Thomas who looked as cool as ever. He gestured for me to roll down my window. ‘They’re gone,’ he said darkly.
I blinked. ‘What do you mean, gone? I saw them not five minutes ago!’
He shrugged, his stoic mask back in place. ‘They just disappeared.’
‘Are portals a thing?’ I asked, ‘Like, could that really happen?’
Thomas shrugged. ‘I’ve never seen one but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Plenty of people haven’t seen the beast beyond the barrier but we know it’s real.’
‘Terrifyingly so.’ Sidnee shuddered.
‘What about all that machinery?’ I asked.
‘It’s parked up blocking the road, but no one was inside either vehicle.’
‘That’s weird. I’m going up there.’
Rather than argue, Thomas climbed in the SUV.
Shadow was standing on the console between us, looking through the windshield. He mrow’d at us as if he was agreeing that we needed to go forward. What did my cat know that I didn’t?
We stopped beside the deserted truck and tractor and climbed out. The tractor was to the left, but the truck was covering the majority of the road. Shadow squirmed again. I wasn’t sure about releasing the lynx but he was too quick for me to stop him. He raced over to the tractor and disappeared beneath it; it was one of those big monsters with a huge scoop in front.
‘Shadow!’ I hollered, but he didn’t stop. I muttered a few choice words and followed.
Thomas was looking around and I lost track of him as Fluffy and I went after our occasionally loathsome lynx. I crouched under the tractor’s raised scoop then ducked between its front tires. I had to crouch low but at least I didn’t have to crawl in the mud. My torn jeans were a lost cause, but I still didn’t want to be soaked through.
There was a hatch beneath the machine that looked like a metal lid you’d see on a sewer in a street. It had been hidden by brush that had been recently cleared away. So portals were a no-go, but hidden tunnels were a go. ‘Thomas!’ I called.
He and Sidnee came over and we all stared at the hatch. ‘They must have gone down there,’ Sidnee said. ‘That’s how they got away so quickly.
‘Did you know this was here?’ I asked Thomas.
‘No – and it shouldn’t be. There is no sewer access around here. I have no idea what it’s for or how long it’s been here.’
‘Those guys have access to the mines from here, and the dead dwarves had mud on their boots from here. Who’s willing to bet these men are involved?’
‘I won’t take that bet,’ Thomas said.
‘Me neither,’ echoed Sidnee.
I checked the tractor over, but didn’t see any keys to start it with. It was less problematic than the truck covering the road anyway.