‘With Anissa – you know, the shaman who helped us all when we were cursed by…’ Sigrid trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence by saying Liv.
Gunnar’s expression darkened. ‘Anissa!’ I interrupted hastily. ‘Whoa! That’s lovely. I know she hasn’t been with the father of her baby much beyond the conception, so he’s not in the picture. But is Stan going to be okay stepping up to that?’
Stan often seemed like the immature baby brother I’d never wanted. I knew there was far more to him than that – you didn’t get to be the leader of a faction like the shifters by being childish – and yet I couldn’t quite see him taking on the role of stepdad.
‘One step at a time!’ Sigrid chastened me. ‘They’re enjoying each other. That might be all it is.’ She paused and a smile crossed her face. ‘But I don’t think so!’
‘They’re well-matched,’ Gunnar grunted. ‘And with her magical skills, she’d be an asset to the shifters whether she can shift or not.’
‘Is that a problem for them?’ I asked, thinking of Faran and his insular thinking.
‘Itcan be,’ Gunnar conceded. ‘But Stan will deal with it.’ That note of pride in his voice always made me swell when it was directed at me, but now I felt a twinge of jealousy. Being an only child I’d never quite mastered the art of sharing, but I was determined to learn. Portlock Bunny was a far better Bunny than London Bunny had ever been, and I hadn’t finished growing yet. Not by a long shot.
Chapter 26
Sidnee burst into the office with Thomas behind her then paused. ‘Hey, no fair! I smell Sigrid’s cooking!’
I laughed. ‘You snooze, you lose!’ When she shot me a faux glare, I conceded, ‘There’s some left in the kitchen.’ She ran off.
Thomas looked amused. ‘I’ve been abandoned for food.’
‘Not just for any food,’ I said. ‘Sigrid’s food.’
He nodded. ‘Yeah, that’s fair.’
I grinned. ‘It’s pasta. Just consider that Sidnee is carb loading for some more … exercise later.’ I winked. I paused and my smile faded. ‘You’re good for her, you know.’
His lips tipped up. ‘I hope so.She’s good forme.’
‘Good.’ I felt a little awkward talking about their love life, so I changed the topic back to something I knew and adored: work. ‘There’s something weird going on at the mine, Thomas.’ Even though he was one of the owners, I totally trusted him. ‘The dwarves are all terrified of the hag,and someone is using Alfgar’s death to point the finger at her. I’m thinking someone wants you to abandon the mine.’
He frowned. ‘The mine has been in existence for over a century. Why now?’
I shrugged. ‘A competitor, maybe? Has anyone offered to buy it from you recently?’
His frown deepened. ‘No, nothing like that. Not as far as I know, anyway.’
Sidnee came back in holding a plate of pasta for Thomas. ‘Youhaveto try this.’ She looked around. ‘Where’s Sig?’
I squelched down a grimace. ‘She’s in Gunnar’s office, but honestly … there have been noises. Don’t go in.’
‘Eww!’ Sidnee covered her eyes. ‘If they are having sex in his office, I am never going in there again!’
I laughed. ‘Maybe not sex, maybe just some frottage,’ I suggested, crossing my fingers.
Sidnee glared at me. ‘These are my adoptive parents you’re talking about. It’s gross!’
I shrugged. ‘I think it’s kind of nice. I hope Connor and I still want to have desk sex when I’m their age.’ I saidIrather thanwe, because Connor was already goodness knew how old and he was definitely still game for desk sex.
‘We were not having desk sex!’ Sigrid blurted as she walked in looking scandalised. Her face reddened. ‘I wasjust giving Gunnar a massage. His shoulders are super tight and I had to really put my weight into getting the knots out. That’s why he was groaning!’
‘Oh, thank God,’ Sidnee burst out and we all laughed.
Sigrid went into the kitchen to get her dishes and Gunnar came out, ostentatiously rolling his shoulders. I slid a glance at Thomas and caught the small smile playing on his lips. We exchanged knowing glances. Sigrid and Gunnar had totally had office sex; it hadn’t just been Gunnar’s groans I’d heard. Damned vampire hearing.
I pushed down my snicker. ‘Right, that’s it. I’m tired. I’m clocking off. I’ll be in early though,’ I promised Sidnee.
‘We’ll give you a lift home,’ Sigrid offered.