“Yeah,” I reply, reaching for my bag.

The group gathers their things, sliding out of the booth one by one. Marta yawns, stretching her arms over her head.

“I needed this,” she says, smiling around at everyone. “Let’s do it again soon, yeah?”

“Absolutely,” Ana agrees as we head towards the door together.

“I think my taxi’s just down the street,” Marta says, squinting at her phone. “Olivia, do you need a ride?”

Before I can answer, the low purr of an engine draws everyone’s attention.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing out loud at his perfect timing.

The sleek black sports car pulls up to the curb right outside of the bar, and the driver’s side door swings open as Santi steps out, looking effortlessly put together in dark jeans and a long-sleeve fitted black shirt and dark jeans.

“Hi,” he says, his voice soft but carrying easily as his green eyes lock onto mine.

My colleagues fall silent, their eyes darting between the two of us with thinly veiled curiosity as Santi moves towards me, his easy smile widening as he takes my hand.

“You ready to go, cariño?”

I nod, suddenly hyper-aware of the small audience we’ve gathered. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

He glances at the group, his expression polite but friendly.

“Hi,” he says, addressing them with a small wave. “I’m Santi. Olivia’s boyfriend.”

Marta recovers first, stepping forward with a bright smile. “Hi! I’m Marta. It’s nice to meet you.”

The others follow suit, each offering quick introductions. Santi shakes their hands, his demeanor relaxed and genuine.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Ana says, grinning. “Olivia keeps us on our toes with her stories.”

Santi chuckles, his eyes flicking to mine with a playful glint. “All good things, I hope.”

“Mostly,” Ana teases, making the group laugh.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you all,” he says, his tone warm butlaced with finality as he glances back at me. “Ready?”

I nod again, and he opens the passenger door for me. I slide into the plush leather seat, the scent of his cologne lingering in the car.

As I buckle my seatbelt, I catch a glimpse of my colleagues still standing on the curb, their expressions a mix of curiosity and quiet awe.

“Bye, Liv!” Sarah calls, smiling widely as she waves.

“See you Monday!” Ana adds, giving me a knowing smile.

Santi closes the door and walks back around to the driver’s side, slipping in beside me. The engine purrs to life, smooth and powerful as he eases the car away from the kerb and begins to drive us in the direction of his penthouse.

He glances at me as we come to a set of traffic lights, his brow furrowing slightly.

“Hey,” he says softly, leaning over just enough to press a quick kiss to my cheek. “Did you have a good time?”

I hesitate. “It was... eventful,” I tell him.

His eyes narrow. “What happened?”

I shake my head, forcing a small smile. “Nothing I can’t handle.”