Chapter One
My relationship ends the same way that it started: with a bang.
Except this time, I’m not the woman on all fours.
“Liv, wait. I can explain.”
My now ex-boyfriend chokes as he calls out my name from the doorway, but I ignore his pleas as I make my way through the apartment in auto-pilot. My brain hasn’t caught up with what I’ve just witnessed, and my body moves through the familiar space without my full control.
Now that the new year has passed, I was supposed to be moving in with him in just a few weeks time. Most of my things are already packed and ready to be sent over to this very building.
That won’t be happening, now, of course.
As I reach the hallway and slip my shoes back onto my feet, I know that this is the last time I’ll ever set foot in Liam's apartment.
He’s closer than I thought he’d be, and I turn on my heel and look up at him. My blonde hair flies around my face with the movement, and I don’t try to hide the fury in my gaze.
Honestly, he looks ridiculous. He’s always had the mostbeautiful blue eyes, but I can’t look at those right now. His jeans hang loosely from his hips - still unbuttoned from where he’d hurriedly yanked them on as I walked into the bedroom - and his feet are bare against the cool wooden floor.
My heart feels like it’s somewhere between being sunk in my stomach and leaping out of my throat. It’s the most god-awful feeling, andfuck,I need to get out of here.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“If you would just - just listen to me, okay?” he says. “I know I fucked up, and I know what you think you saw just then, but -”
“What IthinkI saw?!” I practically screech.
The loud volume of my raised voice catches us both by surprise. I’ve never been one for yelling, and furious as I may be right now, the last thing I want to do is show this asshole just how much he’s hurt me.
So. I pull myself back in.
“You know what? I don’t even care,” I sneer. He actually has the nerve to look horrified, which is interesting given thatI’mthe one who just witnessed his dick being buried inside another woman. “Save your shitty excuses and gaslighting for someone who gives a crap. I’m sorry I interrupted.”
I yank the front door open and dart through it just as Liam reaches out to try and stop me. His fingertips ghost over my upper arm, but it’s too late.
I’m gone.
And I sure as hell don’t look back.
“Wow. I hate him.”
I snort out a laugh as I scoop up a questionably large forkful of sweet and sour chicken and fried rice.
“You and me both, sis,” I grumble before I shovel the food into my mouth.
There are a lot of things that I’m uncertain about after today’s events. But if there’s anything at all that I still believe in, it’s the fact that there’s no problem in this world that the elite combination of my best friend, red wine and Chinese take-out food cannot solve.
Somehow, Laura always knows exactly what to say to cheer me up and make me feel better about everything. And at times when all I want to do is curl up into a ball underneath my bed covers and cry, she has me full-belly laughing until my sides hurt.
“No, I mean it. I’ve never felt so strongly about anyone,ever.I loathehim, and I’m still processing all of this. Give me a few days to actually get to grips with what I’m feeling and I promise you, it will be even more overwhelmingly negative.”
I snort at that.
“I’m serious!” she grins. “Honestly, I’m still in shock. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. But I mean it. I. Hate. Him.”