True to their word, Camila, Ben and Zoey organise a small party to celebrate my moving on. People from other dorm rooms who I’ve briefly got to know come along, and Sofia joins us, too.
I enjoy nights out in Manchester, but the people I’ve met here like to party - hard - and it’s so much more than I’m used to. The drinks flow freely, well into the early hours, the bars are lively and the music is loud. I dance and laugh and make a determined effort to enjoy every part of this wonderful experience. I push away any lingering nerves that I may have about starting over in a new city, and instead I do what I set out to do when I booked this trip - I embrace the moment.
We all fall into our beds just as the sun is rising, a little tipsy and very tired. I have smiled more whilst I’ve been in Madrid, than I did in my previous 2 year relationship and I drift off to sleep with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I’m also a little bit proud of myself for being brave, stepping out of my comfort zone and being the person to make the change.
Chapter Six
The dorm is quiet as I finish packing my bag, the faint rustle of my movements breaking the stillness.
It feels surreal to be leaving already, but I’m so excited, too.
I glance around the room, taking in the unmade beds and scattered belongings of my temporary roommates. It’s funny how people you barely know can feel like family so soon.
Camila is the first to wake, sitting up groggily and rubbing her eyes. It might be the middle of the day, but I’m not surprised that she’s tired given that we didn’t get back until after six a.m.
“Is it time already?” she asks, her voice thick with sleep.
“Yeah,” I nod, zipping up my bag. “Train leaves in a couple of hours.”
She throws the covers back and moves to stand before she hugs me tightly. “I’m going to miss you, you know. Valencia’s lucky to have you.”
“You’ll visit, right?” I say, laughing as she pulls back.
“Of course,” she says, grinning. “After all, someone needs to make sure you’re not working too hard.”
Zoey wakes next, stretching dramatically before sitting up. “So, this is it,” she says, her expression a mix of sadness and admiration. “You’re actually doing it.”
“Yeah,” I say, feeling a pang of emotion. “What about you? Any idea what’s next?”
She shrugs. “Still figuring it out. Maybe Seville - maybe back home. Who knows?”
I hand her my phone, and she types her number in without me even needing to ask.
“Keep me updated,” she says. “And make sure to send photos of Valencia. I’ll be stalking you on instagram and living vicariously through you!”
Ben walks in just as I’m slipping my phone back into my pocket. I’d thought that he was still fast asleep on the top bunk - I hadn’t realised he’d already woken up!
“Leaving so soon, huh?” he says, setting a cup of coffee down on the table.
“Yeah,” I say, smiling fondly. “What about you? When do you leave again?”
“The flight to Australia’s booked for next week,” he says, running a hand through his messy hair. “It’s definitely time to head back and face reality. I’ll miss you, though,” he adds, and as we exchange a quick hug, his usual laid-back demeanor falters just slightly. “Good luck out there, Olivia. I’ve got a feeling you’ll do great.”
Sofía is at her post when I come down, sorting through a stack of brochures. When she sees me, she breaks into a wide smile.
“Ah, Olivia! Off to Valencia today, yes?”
“Yes,” I say with a nod. “I wanted to say goodbye and thank you for everything. You’ve been amazing.”
“You’re welcome,” she says warmly. “But this isn’t goodbye, okay? We’ll stay in touch.”
I pull out my phone, and we exchange numbers and social media handles. She types quickly, then holds her phone up to show me her screen.
“See? Now you have no excuse not to text me.”
I laugh. “Deal. And you have to visit.”