After taking our time showering - Santi predictably making sure that I’m thoroughly cleaned - we eventually make our way downstairs for breakfast, where he whips up a delicious yet simple dish of scrambled eggs, fresh bread, and coffee so strong it could wake the dead.

As we eat, he watches me with an amused glint in his eyes - like he’s got some kind of secret he’s justdyingto share.

I call him out on it immediately.

“Okay,” I say, setting down the bitter coffee. “What is that look about?”

His dark brow quirks. “What look?”

“The ‘I’m up to something’look.” I narrow my eyes at him. “You’re planning something. I can tell.”

Santi smirks, dabbing his mouth with a napkin before leaning back in his chair, looking entirely too pleased with himself.


I huff, already knowing he’s going to make me work for it.

“Just tell me.”



He shakes his head, a mischievous glint in his green eyes. “Not. A. Chance.”

I sigh, slumping dramatically in my chair. “Fine. But at least give mesomekind of hint.”

He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table, his gaze locking onto mine. “Trust me, okay? You’ll love it.”

His voice is soft and reassuring, but there’s something in the way he says it that makes my stomach flutter.

I tilt my head, studying him. “That’s not a hint.”

He grins. “Sure it is.”

I roll my eyes, but I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips. I know I won’t get anything more out of him, so I let it go.

For now.

After breakfast, we finish getting ready. Without a clue of where we’re going or what we’re doing, I spent extra time and care styling my hair and putting on my make-up. I opt to wear a light yellow sundress and tan sandals, satisfied that wherever we go, I’ll likely be dressed appropriately.

After all, the summer heat is scorching.

Santi disappears for a few minutes to grab something from his room while I gather my things. When he returns, he gestures toward the door.

“Come on,” he says, tossing his keys into the air and catching them effortlessly. “Let’s go.”

“Go where?” I try one last time, but he just chuckles, shakinghis head as he opens the door for me.

“You’ll see.”

With a resigned sigh, I follow him out, the warm morning sun greeting us as we step outside.

We head for his car, and I slide into the passenger seat, eyeing him suspiciously as he starts the engine.

“Can I at least know how long of a drive this is?”

Santi glances over at me, a slow smirk spreading across his face. “Long enough for you to keep guessing.”