Nancy sighs and George shakes his head. “They either want one or the other, and these two come as a packaged deal. No Rocket and Hattie Mae, no house.”
“I’m sorry,” Jacob offers knowing how difficult this whole move is for them. Now they can’t even take what family they have left. “I can see how much you love them.”
“Yeah, they worked their way into my heart. Rocket was a stray. He came and sat on that doorstep one day when he was just a wee fella and never left. Then one day Rocket disappeared down the creek and came back with a tiny ball of mattered fur in his mouth. He found Hattie Mae being washed about and saved her. They’ve been inseparable since. Best of friends they are. They keep each other in check.
“Hattie Mae is sure to reprimand him when he chases the postman down the road. And Rocket keeps Hattie Mae safe from all the night creatures. It’s like they knew each other from a previous life and been given a second chance, reunited in this life. So, you see…” we look to the two wide-eyed fur-babies wanting so dearly to make a good impression because their lives are on the line, “… that’s why they’re a packaged deal. They’re like peas and carrots. They don’t match at all, but they go nicely on a dinner plate… figuratively speaking.”
“Like peas and carrots,” I repeat with a chuckle in awe at how fate has somehow managed to do it again.
Jacob smiles knowingly and my heart swells. Winking, he kisses my hand. “How ‘bout it, beautiful? Ready to start our new family?”