Page 79 of XO


“Excuse me.”

Jacob gestures for me to go first before he closes his door and follows me down the hall. My cheeks are reddened, and I even feel my normal stride morphing into something awkward knowing he’s watching my every move.

One more week, that’s all it is.

Just. One. More. Week.

The whole French door frontage of the château opens up to an extensive patio where, no doubt, many formal events have taken place. Beyond that is a dreamy infinity pool which overlooks the magnificent manicured grounds that can rival that of Marie Antoinette.

“Wow,” I say under my breath. Jase and Vicki have outdone themselves.

Keeping up pace, I turn to the right while Jacob turns to the left. Joining Vicki and Amber at the sun lounges, I watch with partially disguised curiosity as Jacob is greeted by the boys. They all seem to liven up in his presence, a trait he’s had since we were teenagers.

“Oh yeah,” Vicki says, handing me my promised mojito. “I forgot to tell you that Jase put Jacob across the hall from you.”

I smile at her blame game which I’m not falling for. “Jase chose for Jacob to be directly across the hall?”



Taking a sip of the most delicious mojito I’ve ever had in my life, I lean back on the sun lounge and blissfully warm into the sun’s glorious heat.

“Holy sweet mother of sin,” Vicki mumbles like she’s just witnessed her next orgasm walking past.

“Rosie, if you’re not going to do anything with that, then step aside already. Because… damn,” Amber affirms.

Taking the bait, I prop myself on my elbows and lower my sunglasses.

Fuck. Me.

I catch Jacob as he’s tossing his white shirt aside. A gloriously smooth, tanned and chiseled Adonis body stands on the pool’s edge. While he continues talking with Jase, his muscles move and flex holding us perverts in a trance.

“Just look at those biceps,” Vicki coos.

“I bet his favorite position is taking his woman up against a wall,” Amber drools.

“That V-line isn’t legal. It just isn’t.”

“I wonder how many women have traced their tongue over it.”

“Enough,” I say sitting up with a chuckle. Barely gaining their attention, I come in stronger. “You’re a bunch of horn-bag hoes. You…” I pointedly stare at Amber “… were practically begging Max to impregnate you last week on the golf course at the first hole.” With a knowing smile, Amber simply shrugs and settles back into her lounge. “And you, Vicki, should be only thinking of your future husband’s V-line given you’re about to marry him in less than a week.”

“Don’t be a hater, Rosie,” she replies, sipping on her mojito. “Since you aren’t laying claim to that fine specimen, we are allowed to appreciate a man who keeps in perfect shape. And besides…” she lowers her sunglasses and smiles coyly, “… Jase is a hottie, but he most certainly cannot hold me up against the wall for longer than thirty seconds before getting tired. So, let us horn-bags live a little.” She too settles back into her lounge before springing back up. “And what the hell is wrong with you that you’re not appreciating all he has on display because you know you could be enjoying it a lot more up close and personal than the rest of us.”

I cross my legs and sip my drink while watching Jacob complete a perfect dive into the pool before planting both hands on the edge, shoulders, back, and bicep muscles bulging as he hauls himself out, water gushing over his tanned skin. I feel a pang between my legs, and I curse my traitorous vagina. “Who said I wasn’t appreciating it?” I concede.

Vicki smacks my arm playfully. “I knew it! You’re as big a hoe as the rest of us.”


Dinner is a casual affair. A barbecue by the pool has the week starting relaxed before formalities kick in. Jacob and I haven’t spoken since the doorway greeting, but I feel the old magnetism that used to exist between us resurfacing with vengeance. I do everything within my power to remain on the opposite side of the group he’s on, but somehow, we always manage to brush past each other, igniting a delicious and fearful tingle—sometimes tremor—across my skin.

As the group breaks away into couples or tired singles, I choose to have the pool to myself. The moon, just like the night on the golf course, is a brilliant ball in the sky casting a silver glow over everything within reach. It’s heady and magical, and I want to soak up its light. Letting my kaftan fall around my feet, I take the steps one at a time until I can wade into the water. Turning onto my back, I stare up at the jewel in the sky, content and finally finding some peace. I’m caught up in a trance when my head gently collides with something. It’s not a hard surface as in it isn’t the pool’s edge, it’s a human body. Splashing my way upright, I turn and see his grinning face staring back at me.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Jacob says in a quiet rumble.