Page 72 of XO

“That beautiful pale skin of yours isn’t made for the sun,Snow White.”

I hate that he’s right. Unlike Jacob, after five minutes, I’ll already be an unhealthy shade of red.

Swinging my legs to the side, I sit up, facing away from him. It’s only when my fingers scream in pain do I realize I’m digging my nails into the underside of the stone seat.

“Rosie, I think we need to talk.”

“I have nothing to say.”

Actually, I have plenty to say.

“That’s equivalent to a woman saying she’s fine when she’s not.”

When I don’t answer, he continues, “Rosie, there’s so much that needs to be said.” I hear the pain in his voice which he attempts to conceal. He’s just like me. “I know you’re busy with maid of honor business, but we need to find some time.”

I stand, turning angrily to face him. “I’ve been waiting ten years, Jacob. Ten years foryouto decide whenyouwant to talk to me. Perhaps I’m sick of waiting, and perhaps I no longer care.”

I decide on the path ahead, storming off, feeling like I’m literally going to combust. But then his four words stop me dead in my tracks.

“I received your text.”

My text!My confession.

Embarrassment turns to fury, but it morphs in a way I’ve never experienced. It lingers inside as opposed to moment ago. It’s like a harbinger collecting thoughts, sorrows, and spite, layering them on my heart until it’s heavy. Here I thought Jacob no longer hung onto that cell number, and all this time—all this time—he knew my pain and chose to ignore me.

“All of them?” I ask in my eerily quiet rage.

“All of them,” he confirms. “Including the last.”

It’s like a final blow to the guts.

My broken heart meant absolutely nothing to him.

“I was drunk. I can promise you that message meant absolutely nothing and never will.”

“You’re lying.”

I turn slowly, my glare meeting his. “The only one here with a history of lying, isyou, Jacob. And, I’m not interested in whatever is it you feel like you need to say to make yourself feel better. Come two and a half weeks, this will all be over, and we’ll never have to see each other again. And I, for one, am looking forward very much to that day.”



The party limo pulls away from the curb leaving the eight of us outside an unmarked building in the middle of an industrial zone.

“Vicki, babe… where are we?” Katy asks.

With a grand sweep of her arms, Vicki introduces us to the first event of the night. “We’re going to start the night with a little friendly competition.” Her smile is so wide, it’s hard not to feel her excitement but that quickly wears off when she creates the groups. “There will be four teams. Teams of two. Each team will consist of the wedding couples. So, me and Jase will be together, Rosie and Jacob form team two, Amber and Max are team three, and Katy and Peter are team four.

Tonight is the combined hens and stag party which traditionally is planned by the best man and maid of honor, but Vicki and Jase already had every detail mapped out. And now I’m stuck having to work alongside Jacob doing God knows what.

“So, what’s the competition?” Peter asks. “Who can escape this abandoned building alive?”

“Probably the most accurate guess,” Vicki confirms. “It’s to see who the fastest team is at completing an escape room.”

While others seem genuinely excited about the event, I hide my groan and thank the dim street lights for concealing my grimace. This could, quite possibly, be the worst situation to be in. I turn to see the limo at the intersection and consider running after it. Instead, I’m shuffled forward by those behind me until the unmarked door opens by someone peering through the spy hole on the other side. Once we’re inside the darkened foyer that has doors around its perimeter, we’re briefed by Krissy, the manager, and are then broken into our pairs. I stand next to Jacob in silence, turning to see Vicki at her own door, glancing over her shoulder at me. She has a lot of explaining to do.

“Now,” Krissy begins. “All your rooms are different but of the same skill level. Because this is a competition, you’ll only be in your rooms for as long as it takes the first group to win.” She turns to us and unlocks the entry door. “Come on inside.” Allowing Jacob to go first, it takes a while for my eyes to adjust, the only light source being a dull green glow. Cold metal circles my wrist and before I can comprehend what’s happened, it’s too late. I watch in horror as Krissy repeats the process, taking Jacob’s arm and snapping closed a handcuff around his wrist.