Page 67 of XO

Three days and nothing.

Jacob and his mom never return home. I suppose a part of me is surprised they haven’t. The other part is cheering for Mrs. Lynch that she finally got out before he killed her. I haven’t left the house since the day they put my father in his grave. But when I hear a strange banging, I’m once again at the window spying at the house across the street. Mr. Lynch in on the footpath straightening up a sign he’s partially hammered into the ground. By the time I cross the road, he’s still struggling with it muttering curses.

“Mr. Lynch,” I call, but he’s either too focused on what he’s doing, or he’s choosing to ignore me. Hugging my sweater despite the blazing heat, I try again. “Mr. Lynch, do you have a moment?”


After he lowers his hammer, he glances up and looks me over.


“Well, look who’s risen from the dead.”

Ouch.Too soon to joke, even for this douchebag.


“You should at least brush your hair and make yourself presentable.”

Choosing to ignore his jibes, I continue with why I left the safety of my room to cross the street. “Mr. Lynch, when is Jacob coming home?”

He points to the sign, which for some absurd reason, I haven’t yet read. Goes to show how nervous I am about talking to the man. “Can’t you read, girl? What home? He and his mother have fucked off, and good riddance to them.”


I stare at the ‘For Sale’ sign, and no doubt in Mr. Lynch’s eyes, I look like a dimwit. “Well, where’d they go?”

“Sweetie,” he patronizes. “I don’t give a flying fuck. And I’ll give you a piece of advice, you shouldn’t give a flying fuck either.”

“Well, I guess that’s what makes you and me so different.”

“I wouldn’t be putting yourself up there on a pedestal, little Rosie. After all, he didn’t tell you where he was going or that he was leaving in the first place.”

That hurts. Because it’s true.

I turn to leave because I’ve wasted enough time on the asshole. When he calls my name, I stop but don’t turn around. “Sorry about your dad. That’s two men in one week who’ve let you down. Can’t be easy.” I bristle at his derogatory words toward my father.

I spin on my heel, rage boiling my blood. “My father didnotlet me down, and how dare you suggest he did.”

Mr. Lynch stops and eyes me curiously, a dawning moment briefly altering his expression. “Sure, kid. Anyway…” he says, changing tone, “… you should thank your lucky stars my son fucked off.”

Is he baiting me?

“Oh, yeah, and why’s that?”

“Because it seems all those closest to you, including Jacob, have been lying to your face.”



“Wait!” A wide-eyed Vicki clutches Jacob’s arm. “You two know each other?”

Staring into the eyes of my arch-nemesis, I’m first to reply. “Unfortunately, so.”

“This shit is just too weird. I mean, here we were just talking about how the bride and groom parties are secretly… hashtag not-so-secretly, planning a pre-wedding orgy, and how you and Jacob are the only ones unattached, and yet you actually know each other.” She claps her hands together in excitement. “So, now, you can both join the orgy.” She laughs hysterically, completely missing the social cues.

“What part ofunfortunatelydid you not understand, Vicki?” But it’s too late, she’s already trotting over to Jase to tell him of her excellent news. I sigh. “What the hell are you doing here, Jacob?”