Jacob’s eyes darken. “Who was there instead of Ms. Zagwich?”
I swallow hard knowing Jacob is going to lose his shit.
“Rosie! Who?”
I watch as the color drains from his face. Saying Kevin’s name causes my eyes to glisten, still angry and frustrated that he got me for a second time.
“What did he do,” Jacob asks, deathly quiet.
For the next ten minutes, I repeat the events that unfolded in the afternoon from hell. The abusive words and threats, promising to continue hurting me unless I back off, the sexual abuse.
Jacob holds my hand the entire time, his jaw clenching in anger.
When he finally does speak, Jacob issues his own warning. “I’m going to see to it that fucker goes down hard. No one, especially him, will ever lay a hand on you.”
The next day, Jacob and I walk hand in hand through the school’s double doors and through the herd of students milling around lockers. We spot Kevin with one arm high above his head, leaning on his own locker while having a terse conversation with an irritated Chelsea. She sees us, narrowed eagle eyes watching as Jacob snakes a hand around my waist. Kevin follows her gaze, sending his own array of daggers our way.
The bell sounds marking the beginning of first period which Jacob and I share together. We take our seats at the back of class and wait while Mr. Johnson gets ready for the lesson.
“Good morning, everyone. You’ll be pleased to know I’ve decided to give you all one last pop-quiz before finals, just to be sure you all know what I’ve been raving on about over the last term.”
There’s a collective groan and a few protests by those up front. Mr. Johnson raises his hands in defense. “Whoa, so much hate for someone who cares so much as to whether you pass or fail in life. Trust me, you all know—”
A knock at the door interrupts his well-rehearsed spiel. While he’s talking with whoever is outside, Jacob turns to me.
“After exams, we’re getting out of here.”
“Trust me, I know. I’m not setting foot in this place ever again.”
“I don’t mean school, Rosie. I mean, let’s get out of here. Get out of this town.”
I stare into his eyes and see nothing but sincerity. Jacob may have been the town’s star football player and idolized by many, but he’s always thought beyond this town. Where I feel like I don’t belong in a place like this, Jacob knows this was never ‘home’ to him. Where home is, I don’t even think he knows. But it will be somewhere where he’s in charge of his own life, his own destiny. Perhaps that’s why we found each other because we’re far more alike than we ever realized.
Mr. Johnson returns and clears his throat. “Students, I need you all to move your desks in closer to each other and push toward the back to make way for more students. Mrs. Murphy is absent today, and the relief teacher is yet to arrive, so we have her small class joining us. Push back, please.”
We all scuttle back to make room as Mrs. Murphy’s class comes in carrying desks and chairs. Among the group is Kevin and Chelsea. They both spot us at the back of the room, disgruntled for having to share a space with us.
Jacob smiles, and I nervously bite my lip. “Our morning just got a whole lot more interesting,” he says, my stomach flipping over what’s about to go down.
The pop-quiz is postponed due to the intruding class and instead we’ve all been given textbook chapters to complete as pre-test revision. Mr. Johnson moves around the quiet class making observations when there’s yet another knock at the door. It’s only twenty minutes into the class when Jacob murmurs, “Game time,” when a very serious Principal Derrek enters the room followed by two police officers.
If the room was quiet before, you can hear a pin drop now. This is not a regular occurrence at our otherwise blemish-free school, so the appearance of law enforcement has even the innocent questioning if it’s them they’re after.
“Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Johnson,” Principal Derrek starts, loosening his tie ever so slightly.
“That’s fine, what can I help you with?”
After a quiet discussion between them, the principal points at Kevin and the officers move to his table, ordering him to leave his belongings. While one guides him out of his chair, the other leads the way. Knowing exactly what for, Kevin turns to us, face blazing with a hellish fury. Chelsea swivels in her chair, mouth agape in horror as she blames us for what’s unfolding. Self-preservation quickly takes over, fearful she could be next, and returns front-facing, slumping in an effort to be inconspicuous.
Jacob issued Kevin a beating the first time he attempted to rape me at the bonfire, but this time, because the assault happened on school campus, Jacob insisted we get the law involved. Having spent the morning at the police station going into detail on both occasions, we were assured this would not be taken lightly given it appears he’s an opportunist with a grudge and can easily strike again.